Animal Hospital Provides Stray Pet Rescue Education

DECATUR, Ill., Oct. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The veterinarians at Fairview Hospital for Animals are educating the community about the proper steps to take upon finding a stray animal. When stray pets are found, the veterinarians at Fairview Hospital for Animals urge that these animals be scanned for an identifying microchip, which can expedite the process of contacting the pet's owners. The veterinarians also recommend that anyone who locates a stray animal use precaution, keeping in mind that a stray animal might not have vaccinations. In addition, lost or stray animals are typically afraid and wary of strangers, which might cause them to act out aggressively or flee an approaching person. Animals that are found with injuries should be brought to the veterinary hospital for emergency care.

The wellbeing of stray animals and lost pets depends on the care and compassion of the strangers who find them, say the veterinarians at Fairview Hospital for Animals. The doctors add that they have a commitment to spreading this message around the community. They say in order to show stray animals love, it is imperative to remember a few essential tips upon finding a stray pet.

"Firstly, we recommend people have a stray animal scanned for a microchip," said Dr. Robert Groesch, co-owner and veterinarian at Fairview Hospital for Animals. "If the animal has been microchipped, the scan will reveal an identifying number which allows us to contact the pet's owners right away."

The veterinarian added, "In addition, we like to remind people that stray animals, whether pets or feral, are usually afraid, and can exhibit unpredictable behaviors such as aggression. Precaution should always be taken when trying to catch or restrain a stray dog or cat." Dr. Groesch emphasized that these animals might not have all of their vaccines, and they should not be introduced to other pets without a full medical examination.

The veterinarian advises that animals that are difficult to capture might be lured with a strong smelling food like canned tuna. If it is not possible to capture or restrain the animal, the Dr. Groesch recommends contacting a local animal shelter, animal control agency, or the police for assistance.

The veterinarians at Fairview Hospital for Animals remind people to imagine how they would hope their own pet would be treated if lost. They suggest putting up signs and notifying local animal shelters and animal clinics. They say people should not to become too attached to the animal, as in many cases the happy event of a reunion between the pet and owner is imminent.

Owners and veterinarians, Dr. Robert Groesch and Dr. Shelly Stevens, have been providing top quality, compassionate veterinary care to animals at Fairview Hospital for Animals since 1989. The hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services to patients including wellness care, emergency care, boarding, surgery, microchipping, and more.

