The Nordic Diet and Diet Doc's Medical Weight Loss Programs Combine the Perfect Blend for Improved Health

Diet Doc Incorporates the Healthy Principles of the Nordic Diet Into Their Nutritionally Balanced, Medically Guided Weight Loss Programs to Successfully Help Patients Nationwide Improve Their Health by Losing Excess Fat

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Originating from the Nordic countries, the Nordic Diet introduces a traditional Scandinavian style of eating to the U.S. Their list of environmentally friendly foods are not commercially harvested and contain no harmful fertilizers or pesticides. Like Diet Doc's medical weight loss programs, the Nordic Diet emphasizes eating a balanced diet of lean proteins and nutrient-rich vegetables that lead to reduced cholesterol levels, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced blood pressure and body weight, while eliminating processed, sugar laden and fatty foods for improved cardiovascular health. The difficulty that Westerners will encounter, however, is actually acquiring the foods that make the Nordic Diet so popular such as lingon berries, cloud berries, bilberries, Elk, Reindeer and Kangaroo.

Dieters who purchase the Nordic Diet's guide will find a focus on three fundamental guidelines:

  • Incorporating more healthy plant foods that are low in calories and saturated fats, while plentiful in dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals allowing the dieter to consume larger amounts to boost energy levels and leave them feeling full and satisfied;
  • Increasing certain fish and shellfish into the diet for their omega-3 fatty acid benefit;
  • Encouraging the dieter to introduce more "wild" foods, such as wild animals and fowl, berries, fruits and mushrooms which contain higher levels of vitamins C and E and antioxidants.

While Diet Doc supports the principles of the Nordic Diet, they understand that there are many causes of weight gain. For this reason, new Diet Doc patients will consult online with one of the company's doctors who will review past medical history, current health conditions and assess the entire system to uncover the real reason for weight gain.

Because the professionals at Diet Doc understand that the success rate for patients who follow a printed diet guide is extremely low, the company developed their diet plans that include the support of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches who monitor and supervise the patient's entire journey. This personalized guidance helps patients comfortably and successfully reach their goals while learning how to make healthier food choices that will ensure long term weight management.

Diet Doc knows that success rates decline because eliminating carbohydrates from the diet can be challenging. For this reason, Diet Doc incorporated prescription hormone treatments, diet pills and appetite suppressants that help patients over the initial weight loss hurdles while signaling the brain to target, release and attack stored fat and quickly flush it from the system.

People throughout the country are turning to Diet Doc for their weight loss needs. The company urges everyone, in any part of the country, to call today to schedule a free and personal consultation.

