AquaBounty Responds to Anti-GM Organizations' Letter and Press Release

MAYNARD, Mass., Nov. 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is a statement by AquaBounty, in response to Anti-GM organizations' letter and press release:

Food & Water Watch, Center for Food Safety and Friends of the Earth issued a press release yesterday in their ongoing attempt to derail the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review of AquaBounty's application for AquAdvantage Salmon. They have also released a letter to Commissioner Hamburg containing their unsubstantiated allegations.

AquaBounty (LSE:ABTX) is appalled at the irresponsible and untruthful attacks contained in the activists' press release and letter. The Company has been in complete control of its Panama facility and at no time was the safety of the fish or the environment at risk. 

Unfortunately these organisations continue to spew uninformed and untruthful speculation and present it to their base as support for their anti-technology ideology. By also offering these lies to the regulatory bodies and to the public they are attempting to enforce their perverted views and manipulate the regulatory process and public sentiment to advance their political agenda. For the last five years these groups have consistently attempted to mislead the American public with irrational attacks on AquaBounty and its supporters. In this instance, their attempt to exploit the death of a business associate and friend of AquaBounty for their own perverted political agenda is a new low. 


