Dangerous Online Diet Pill Sales Compel Diet Doc to Speak Out Concerning Potential Risks and Side Effects

The Recent Influx of Media Concerning Overdose, Illness and Death After Consuming Internet Diet Pills Compels Diet Doc to Help Consumers Avoid Unsafe Products

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The news media has recently exploded with news of people resorting to online diet pills, causing overdose, hallucinations, kidney failure and even death. Autopsy results of a 24-year old Scottish woman, who died after purchasing online diet pills, revealed caffeine in the bloodstream equivalent to 225 cans of Red Bull. According to news reports, the product did not include precautions.

The internet provides easy accessibility to the weight loss market, tempting more people to purchase inexpensive online diet pills. Consumers must become aware of where and how the drug is manufactured, the quality and quantity of all ingredients, as well as drug interactions.

Diet Doc's diet plans include doctor supervision throughout. New patients will complete a health questionnaire and consult online with a physician. During the consult, the doctor will review past medical history and current health conditions. While all patients will qualify for nutritionist-designed meal and snack plans, many will be eligible for prescription hormone treatments, diet pills and appetite suppressants to enhance weight loss and eliminate hunger, cravings and loss of energy while dieting.

Diet Doc's experts speak weekly with patients to monitor progress and assess comfort level and attitude. This personal contact enables the doctor to ensure that patients are safely losing excess weight without side effects and without weight loss plateaus.

Diet Doc's mission is to inform all prospective dieters of the potential risks and dangers associated with purchasing online diet pills. Prescription drugs that are sold via the internet without a valid doctor prescription are illegal and typically manufactured outside of the United States where there are no safety regulations. Most online diet pills are diluted with unknown fillers, that may cause very serious and, sometimes, fatal side effects and contain almost none of the ingredient necessary to promote weight loss.

Diet Doc has built its reputation on delivering the safest and most effective weight loss products, all manufactured in fully licensed, U.S. based, FDA approved pharmacies. Qualified patients can easily reorder their products via the phone or internet to be delivered directly to their home. Each shipment will be accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, detailing the quality and quantity of all active ingredients. Some prescription diet products also require baseline bloodwork and other testing to ensure the safest and most effective weight loss journey.

Diet Doc's genuine concern for their patient's safe and successful weight loss journey has earned them a reputation of trust and reliability throughout the nation. They urge those of all shapes, sizes, ages and genders to call today before resorting to dangerous, ineffective and illegal online diet pills.

