New Emotional Eating Diet Plans Incorporate Oxytocin for Weight Loss, Geared Toward Helping Those Who Reach for Comfort Foods During Stressful Times

In Their Effort to Continue to Bring the Safest and Most Reliable Weight Loss to People Throughout the Country, Diet Doc Has Incorporated Oxytocin for Weight Loss With Diet Plans That Are Aimed at Helping Those Who Suffer From Emotional Eating

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 16, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With obesity reaching epidemic levels throughout the United States, more unique and innovative methods are being sought and studied to help Americans live longer, more active and healthier lives by losing excess fat. While there are countless reasons why one may reach for high calorie, high carbohydrate foods, stress and anxiety play a key role for many. And, while the short term emotional effect of sugar-laden foods may be comforting, the long term weight gain can lead to more anxiety, frustration and stress and, thus, the cycle of emotional eating continues.

Realizing the country's need for a real solution, Diet Doc recently developed specialized emotional eating diet plans geared directly toward helping those who have lost control of their weight due to stress and anxiety. By incorporating Oxytocin for weight loss into their emotional eating diet plans, patients are celebrating reduced stress and anxiety levels and avoiding the temptation to reach for high calorie, high carbohydrate comfort foods.

Oxytocin, a natural hormone, is stored in the posterior pituitary and secreted during pregnancy, childbirth and orgasm. Diet Doc's prescription Oxytocin enables the body to release this valuable hormone during times of stress and anxiety when the urge to overindulge or reach for comfort foods is at its peak. In addition, Oxytocin has been shown to have an effect on appetite by selectively suppressing sugar intake, perhaps by reducing the thrill of eating, thus, reducing the emotional reward derived from food.

New Diet Doc patients will complete a health questionnaire and consult online with a Diet Doc physician who is specially trained in Oxytocin for weight loss and overcoming emotional eating. Patients are continuously monitored throughout their weight loss journey via scheduled weekly checkup calls and are given unlimited access to the staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches. This level of personal care, concern and attention is unparalleled by the competition and continues to help people reach their weight loss goals safely, naturally and rapidly.

Because the company has earned its reputation by delivering the safest and most effective weight loss to people nationwide, all prescription products, including Oxytocin for weight loss, are manufactured in fully licensed, U.S based, FDA approved pharmacies.

Decades of scientific research has determined that Oxytocin for weight loss, when administered under medical supervision, can help those who are struggling to lose weight. The company urges everyone who is suffering with emotional eating disorders to call today to schedule a private consultation.

