Los Angeles Veterinary Clinic Launches Premium Dog Walking Service

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Century Veterinary Group is making dog walking more convenient for busy Los Angeles residents with the clinic's new service "What's Upp Dawg." The dog walking service is available for both boarding and non-boarding dogs seven days per week from 8am to 6pm. Walk options include 30-minutes, 45-minutes and 60-minutes; a 90-minute hike is also available. A 30-minute or 60-minute evening walk is also available at a higher rate. Up to three additional dogs can be added per walk or hike for $5 each.

Los Angeles residents can now schedule dog walking with "What's Upp Dawg," a new, premium dog walking service offered by Century Veterinary Group.

Daily walks are important for a dog's mental and physical health, say veterinarians at the Century Veterinary Group, who recommend at least one hour of exercise each day for dogs.

"Even if dogs have a yard to play in, they still need a daily walk for exercise and stimulation," said Los Angeles veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber. "Walking satisfies a primal canine need. Dogs that do not receive daily walks are more like to have behavioral problems and also suffer from anxiety and depression. Walking keeps dogs mentally and physically fit."

The Los Angeles dog walking service offers walks of varying lengths, including 30-minutes, 45-minutes and 60-minutes. Pricing is based on the length of the walk and number of dogs. Dogs can also be taken to the dog park for a field trip for the same cost as a walk. Membership discounts are available for the "What's Upp Dawg" dog walking club. Pet owners can become members for a one-time fee of $25.

With nearly half of all dogs overweight, Dr. Werber says that daily walks are critical to a dog's overall health. "Depending on the breed, a daily walk of at least 20 minutes is critical to maintaining a healthy weight," said Dr. Werber. "Just like with humans, regular exercise can also help dogs shed extra pounds."

Daily walks are also important for socialization. Dr. Werber cautions that dogs who never leave the house won't learn how to interact with other animals or humans. Walking is an opportunity for dogs to learn good manners and can improve behavior. The veterinarian says some dogs may act out because they are bored or lonely; a daily walk provides the mental stimulation and physical exercise dogs crave, which may lead to behavior improvements.

"Dog walking also gives pet owners great peace of mind," said Dr. Werber. "Rather than worrying about their dog's safety or well being, they'll know that their dog is getting the exercise he needs. Pet owners also won't worry about coming home to any accidents."

Century Veterinary Group provides veterinary care, pet grooming, and boarding. Hours of operation are from 8am to 10pm. To learn more, visit http://centuryvet.com.

