Diet Doc Offers Help for Overweight Patients With Gluten Allergies

Diet Doc understands that losing weight and eliminating gluten can be challenging. With this in mind, they offer their gluten free diet plans that help those who want to lose weight without triggering a gluten allergy reaction.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gluten, a protein found primarily in breads and pasta, can cause irritating and, oftentimes, severe symptoms in those with gluten allergies. Symptoms can range from excess gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhea and constipation to more serious symptoms that may include headache, reduced cognition, joint pain or numbness and tingling in the extremities. For these people, finding the solution to their weight loss needs, while learning to maneuver and decipher food labels, can be very challenging. With this in mind, Diet Doc created their gluten free diet plans that deliver safe and fast weight loss and teach their patients how to avoid foods that trigger a gluten allergy reaction.

Diet Doc has helped patients who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more by first addressing their personal nutritional needs and medical conditions. An initial online consultation with a Diet Doc physician enables the doctor to review past medical history, current health conditions and focus on issues that many patients find too embarrassing to discuss during a face-to-face doctor visit. Based on these findings, recommendations will be made for the safest and best method to lose excess fat without triggering a gluten allergy reaction.

Diet Doc's certified nutritionists work closely with new patients when designing gluten free meal and snack plans. The nutritionists are specially trained in the science of fast weight loss and intimately understand how the body reacts to specific foods. Patients will learn to incorporate lean meats, vegetables and other healthy food items that are appropriate for a gluten free diet into their daily routine and will also receive a copy of Diet Doc's exclusive cookbook featuring over fifty pages of meal suggestions and recipes.

While all patients will receive strategically designed gluten free diet plans, many will qualify to speed the rate at which they see excess fat melt from their body by incorporating Diet Doc's prescription hormone diet treatments and specially formulated diet pills, appetite suppressants and powerful fat burners into their gluten free diet plan. This combination helps clients reach their ideal weight by eliminating between meal hunger, food cravings and fatigue while dieting. By getting back to basics, tailoring diet plans that are unique to each patient's personal nutritional, medical and lifestyle needs, cleansing the system of processed foods, gluten, sugars and unhealthy fats, the company has been successful in helping people throughout the country lose excess weight and control gluten allergies.  

Call today to speak with a weight loss specialist to learn more about Diet Doc's gluten free diet plans. 

