Diet Doc's Medical Diet Plans Combine Powerful Prescription Diet Treatments With Meal and Snack Plans That Are Tailored to the Nutritional Needs of Each Patient

Because Diet Doc Understands That Eliminating Calories and Carbohydrates Can be Challenging, They Designed Their Diet Plans to Include Powerful Prescription Diet Treatments That Burn Fat at an Amazing Pace Without Hunger, Cravings or Fatigue

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 22, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- People who have struggled with excess weight throughout their life are now turning to Diet Doc because their diet plans offer patients a weight loss alternative that smoothly and comfortably guides each patient toward improved health and a slimmer, sexier body without the typical weight loss hurdles that compel many enthusiastic dieters to abandon their goals.

According to Dr. Caroline Apovian, Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Center, "Weight loss medications do not work by themselves, but they can help people maintain a healthy diet by reducing the appetite. Adding a medication to a diet plan is likely to result in greater weight loss."

Because Diet Doc recognizes that overcoming between meal hunger, food cravings and loss of energy during dieting can be difficult, they combine their powerful prescription diet treatments, exclusive diet pills, appetite suppressants and fat burners with meal and snack plans that are designed by certified nutritionists to be specific to the lifestyle, nutritional and medical needs of each patient. Patients find that the absence of the typical nagging dieting side effects enable them to focus more clearly on reaching their ideal weight. Within days of following the guidance of their Diet Doc team, patients notice the loss of pounds and inches melting from the hard to reach areas of the belly, underarms, hips, thighs and buttocks. This is because this powerful combination instructs the release of fat that has become stored dangerously around the internal organs, into the bloodstream to be burned for energy and quickly flushed from the system. 

To ensure that patients are receiving the safest and best weight loss results, Diet Doc manufactures their prescription diet treatment medications in fully licensed, FDA approved, U.S. based pharmacies using the highest standards. Refills can be easily and effortlessly reordered via the phone or internet and will be accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, detailing the quality and quantity of all active ingredients.

And because Diet Doc is the only medically supervised fast diet plan to partner with Telemedicine, their patients can complete an initial health questionnaire, consult online with doctors, nurses and nutritionists, and reorder prescription diet treatment medications without leaving the comfort of their own home. This level of personal care and service is unparalleled by the competition and has helped thousands of patients restore their health and their body.

