Widow of Slain Sacramento Sheriff Deputy Danny Oliver Launches Community-Focused Foundation

Efforts seek support through an online fundraising campaign

ROSEVILLE, Calif., Jan. 26, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Danny Oliver Foundation has been established to honor the life of Sacramento Sheriff Deputy Danny Oliver, who was shot and killed in the line of duty in a series of officer and civilian shootings on Oct. 24 last year.

The nonprofit foundation, created by Deputy Oliver's wife, Susan Oliver, aims to bridge the gap between law enforcement agencies and the communities that they serve through various education and outreach programs. The foundation was launched on the heels of Susan Oliver's attendance at President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in the District of Columbia last week. She attended the address as a guest of California congressman Ami Bera, in her first step to communicate the goals and objectives of the foundation to the public.

"My goal is to strengthen the relationships between the community and law enforcement agencies," said Susan Oliver. "I want to work to remind people that the overall goal for all law enforcement officers is to keep our communities – and everyone in them – safe. They make a choice to risk their lives each and every day to protect all of us."

Deputy Oliver's death came against a backdrop of a broader national discussion about race relations and tensions between police and the communities they serve. The organization, pending final IRS 501(c)(3) determination, will be used as a tool to facilitate positive change as it relates to these issues while keeping the memory of Deputy Oliver's commitment to his community alive.

"Communities have lost trust and faith in law enforcement agencies," Susan Oliver explained. "My hope is that The Danny Oliver Foundation will aid in rebuilding that trust and unity."

The foundation will provide programs to promote additional training, education and outreach opportunities, and to help increase positive and productive interactions between law enforcement officers and their communities. Susan Oliver also plans to use the foundation to encourage at-risk youth to seek careers in law enforcement, and will provide financial assistance to those who choose to do so.

Donations for The Danny Oliver Foundation can be made at https://fundly.com/danny-oliver-foundation. All donations will go toward the foundation's goals of providing resources for outreach and education programs, and to provide financial assistance and support to at-risk youth seeking careers in law enforcement.

Media inquiries or requests for more information should be directed to Susan Oliver's media representative, Lori Prosio at lprosio@prosiopr.com or 916-251-1281. For additional information on The Danny Oliver Foundation, visit https://www.facebook.com/thedannyoliverfoundation, or http://dannyoliverfoundation.org.

