Diet Doc Updates Their Diet Plans to Include Prescription Diet Products That Target, Attack and Burn Fat Without Dangerous Side Effects

Diet Doc Has Updated the Original Hormone Diet Plan to Encourage the Body to Naturally, Safely and More Rapidly Burn Excess Fat Without Nagging Hunger, Cravings or Fatigue

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 29, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Because Diet Doc understands that eliminating carbohydrates and sticking with diet plans can easily cause many people to abandon their best weight loss intentions, they now include pure, prescription hormone diet treatments, diet pills, fat burners and appetite suppressants into their diet plans. By controlling the urge to overindulge in fatty, high carbohydrate foods, patients are better able to stick with their diet, break bad habits and begin forming healthy habits to maintain their weight long term.

While many diet plans continue to encourage the earlier versions of the dangerously low, 500 calorie per day hCG hormone diet plans, Diet Doc encourages patients to consume more than double that of the original diet. The company saw the encouraging weight loss results that stemmed from utilizing this natural hormone, but also recognized the need for updated research to allow patients to achieve these results without requiring a dangerous caloric intake. Unlike other hormone diet plans, Diet Doc was successful in modernizing their research to meet current health and medical standards.

Diet Doc's diet plans combine the smart nutritional food concepts behind many popular and successful diets into a new approach combined with prescription hormone diet treatments to generate safe weight loss of 20 pounds or more per month. By getting back to basics, freeing the liver of toxic chemicals, processed food, sugar and carbs, and adding prescription hormone diet treatments, the body will easily release weight and burn embarrassing fat rapidly.

Because hormone diet treatments work best when following a healthy, low carbohydrate meal plan, new patients work closely with nutritionists to tailor meal plans suited to their personal needs. By reducing carbohydrate intake, the body is encouraged to burn stored fat, instead of carbohydrates. While Diet Doc recognizes the benefits in reducing carbohydrate intake, they also encourage patients to consume lean proteins, fruits and vegetables to keep energy levels high throughout the day.

New patients will complete a health questionnaire and consult online with one of the company's highly trained doctors. Although all patients will qualify for customized diet plans, many will qualify for hormone diet treatments. These natural hormone diet treatments work flawlessly with customized meal plans to target and attack fat that has hidden itself deeply within the cells, forcing it into the bloodstream to be burned and quickly flushed from the system.

Diet Doc has helped people throughout the country take control of their health through safe, effective and rapid weight loss and urges those who want to lose dangerous and embarrassing excess fat to call today.

