Helena Saxon new CFO of Investor AB, Susanne Ekblom CEO of Investor’s holding Vectura

Investor’s CFO Susanne Ekblom has been appointed new CEO of Vectura, in which
she has been a member of the board since 2012. Vectura manages Investor’s real
estate property, including Grand Hôtel and healthcare properties run by Aleris.

“As CFO and member of Investor’s Management Group, Susanne Ekblom has worked
extensively with establishing internal quality processes and support functions
that have contributed greatly to Investor’s ability to run its organization
efficiently. This work is now completed and I am glad to see Susanne taking on a
new challenge within the group”, comments President and CEO Börje Ekholm.

Helena Saxon has been appointed new CFO and member of Investor’s Management
Group. Helena Saxon is 44 years old and is currently an Investment Manager at
Investor. She is currently a board member of Sobi, Mölnlycke Health Care and
Aleris. In the latter two, Helena is Chairman of the Audit Committees.
Previously, Helena has been CFO at Syncron International and at Hallvarsson &
Halvarsson. She will assume her new position as of March 1.

“Helena Saxon has strong leadership skills and broad financial experience. I am
very happy that Helena has accepted the role of CFO and member of the Management
Group”, comments Investor’s President and CEO-to be Johan Forssell.

As has been previously communicated in a press release on January 28, Johan
Forssell will become Investor’s President and CEO from the Annual General
Meeting on May 12, when Börje Ekholm will become Head of Investor’s new division
Patricia Industries.
For further information:

Stefan Stern, Head of Corporate Relations and Communications, Phone 46 8 614
2058, 46 70 636 7417
Magnus Dalhammar, Head of Investor Relations, Phone 46 8 614 2130, 46 73 524
Our press releases can be accessed at www.investorab.com
Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family a hundred years ago, is the leading
owner of high quality Nordic-based international companies. Through board
participation, our industrial experience, network and financial strength, we
strive to make our companies best-in-class. Our holdings include, among
others, Atlas Copco, SEB, ABB, Ericsson and Mölnlycke Health Care.

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