Increasing Demand Calls For EnLyte Website Upgrade

SUNSET, LA., March 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reflecting the heightened demand for its prescription folate product, EnLyte, JayMac Pharmaceuticals has launched the upgraded EnLyteRx.Com. The new look is designed to invite both medical providers and the public to "learn more now" through a dynamic platform that will continue to highlight relevant, valuable information.

Fast, simple, and user-friendly, EnLyteRx.Com is compatible across all commonly used mobile devices. A key feature of the new site is the "News and Events" tab, which includes categories of Press Releases, Photo Gallery, and Scientific Resources. "There is substantial scientific literature speaking to the efficacy of folate therapy in depression, that we use frequently when discussing EnLyte. By having these key pieces on the website, we bring this important information to the forefront with easy access" states Angela Hall of JayMac, "the goal of the site has always been to make it interactive between the company and the consumer." Items such as the APA Guidelines for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, as well as an open label study on the use EnLyte in sleep, are available for viewing and downloading. Future plans for EnLyteRx.Com include an electronic patient brochure and continued social media integration.

EnLyte is frequently a part of important medical conferences nationwide, and the Photo Gallery will highlight the company's participation in these events, such as the recent Nevada Psychiatric Association meeting in Las Vegas. The EnLyte team is unique in that it encompasses psychiatric providers, pharmacists, the co-inventor and CEO, and those with pharmaceutical sales and managerial backgrounds, and the aim is to personalize this unique position. The company even dedicates a one-person customer service line to EnLyte, ensuring callers get the same person every time to answer their questions: 985-788-7755.

After considering many companies to lead the upgrade, JayMac partnered with Slidell company, ESyncs, keeping with a LA-based company that has led many high profile projects.

Patient success stories are shared all the time, and EnLyte has brought folate therapy into mainstream prescribing with a comprehensive, proven formula, prescription coverage, FDA regulation, and an NDC. "As the CEO of JayMac and co-inventor of EnLyte, I invite you to learn more about this innovative product to help improve outcomes of patients, safely," Towny Robinson, CEO, JayMac, EnLyte coinventor.

About EnLyte

EnLyte® is an orally-administered prescription folate-containing product for the clinical dietary management of depression related to suboptimal folate levels associated with metabolic imbalances in transformylation and/or methylation biochemistry. EnLyte contains 16 mgs. Delta Folate: L-methylfolate magnesium, folinic acid, folacin, critical brain-ready cofactors of B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, betaine, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, and PS gold omega 3s. EnLyte is gluten free and artificial dye free. It is safe for use in pregnancy and lactation, paid by many insurance plans, and $58 per month through mail order. For questions or licensed prescriber samples, contact EnLyte Customer Care: 985.788.7755 or email us.

