ScriptRock Announces Free IT Configuration Monitoring For Nonprofits

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 6, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ScriptRock Inc. announced on Friday the launch of a nonprofit partnership program which will provide GuardRail Standard, its flagship product, for free to eligible 501(c)(3) companies with up to 50 nodes.

GuardRail is a versatile, cloud-hosted configuration monitoring platform which can greatly simplify the often tricky task of managing servers, cloud apps, and network devices. Whether a company is running Windows, Linux, OSX, or some combination, GuardRail supports it out-of-the-box.

"IT in the nonprofit sector can often be depressing. Budgets are usually close to nil, and equipment isn't usually the latest or greatest, so you have to work with what you've got," Jon Hendren, ScriptRock's resident thought leader, said in a statement. "I would've given my good leg for something like GuardRail 5 years ago, so it's gratifying to bring something cutting edge to the nonprofit sector for free."

GuardRail is already in use by companies around the world of every size and every industry. Finance, banking, and healthcare companies are particularly fond of GuardRail's detailed reporting features, which are increasingly important as corporate regulation and compliance issues increasingly make headlines.

Eligible companies can read the full terms and apply at starting March 6. For-profit companies and individuals can still use GuardRail Lite for free for up to 5 nodes.

About ScriptRock

Mountain View-based ScriptRock makes GuardRail, the SaaS configuration monitoring platform for data centers, cloud apps, and network devices. GuardRail gives your team visibility into the configuration of every environment from development to production, alerting you to undocumented drift and unplanned changes.


