Distil Networks CEO to Participate as Panelist and Judge at SXSW Events

Appearances include speaking on a panel at ff Venture Capital's third annual ffMASSIVE event, and judging at annual HATCH pitch competition

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Distil Networks, Inc., the global leader in bot detection and mitigation, today announced its CEO, Rami Essaid, will be participating in industry events alongside SXSW Interactive in Austin, TX, including speaking on a panel at ff Venture Capital's third annual ffMASSIVE event, titled "Scaling a Startup," and participating as a judge at the illustrious annual HATCH pitch competition for tech startups.

Sunday, March 15
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CDT
Empire Control Room & Garage
"Scaling a Startup"
The panel, moderated by Amazon.com cloud CTO Werner Vogels, will look at what it takes to bring your startup to the next level, featuring founding executives from ffVC portfolio companies. Be sure to come early for a chance to meet and hang out with the speakers before the panel.

Panel participants include:
● Moderator: Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon.com
● Rami Essaid, CEO and co-founder of Distil Networks
● Shane Snow, CCO and co-founder of Contently
● Trevor Coleman, co-founder and product manager of Interaxon
● Jordan Kretchmer, CEO and founder of Livefyre

HATCH Pitch Competition
Monday, March 16
9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CDT
SXSW Startup Village (Hilton Austin Downtown)
Part of the official SXSW program schedule, the HATCH pitch is the revolutionary competition for tech startups making life better. Come watch as finalists present their business plans and receive feedback from esteemed entrepreneur, corporate, angel and venture investor judges. Since 2012, HATCH pitch alumni have raised more than $150 million in investment. The competition will feature tech startups in the following areas: IT, Health, Energy, Enterprise Software, Entertainment, Media, Mobile, Wearables, Big Data, Space, Smart Cities and Cloud Computing. This is one of the most popular events at SXSW and seats fill up fast, so make sure to show up early!

Judges for HATCH pitch 2015 include:
● Rami Essaid, CEO and co-founder of Distil Networks
● Aya Zook, principal at Microsoft Ventures
● Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon.com
● Ben Wilson, CTO of GE
● John Frankel, partner at ffVC
● Lynne Chou, partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Party with Distil Networks at SXSW

Party like it's the 80's while battling flying robots!
Saturday, March 14
8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. CDT
Empire Control Room & Garage
Distil Networks, along with SendGrid and SoftLayer, will also be hosting an 80's themed party where you can battle flying robots at SXSW on Saturday night, March 14, at the Empire Control Room & Garage. Throw on your leg warmers and neon tracksuits for a night of 80's fun with tribute bands, classic arcade games, live graffiti artists and the newest interactive gaming systems!

Sunday, March 15
8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. CDT
Empire Control Room & Garage
ff MASSIVE will continue into the PM with cocktails, DJs and live music by Tuxedo featuring Hawthorne, 12th Planet and more.

About Distil Networks

Distil Networks, the global leader in bot detection and mitigation, is the first easy and accurate way to identify and police malicious website traffic, blocking 99.9% of bad bots without impacting legitimate users. Distil protects against web scraping, competitive data mining, account hijacking, form spam and click fraud while slashing the high tax that bots place on your internal teams and web infrastructure. For more information on Distil Networks, visit us at http://www.distilnetworks.com or follow @DISTIL on Twitter.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/03/prweb12579016.htm

