AAHOA Chairman Pratik Patel's Statement on Congressional Resolution to Repeal Ambush Election Rule

ATLANTA, GA, March 19, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) Chairman Pratik Patel issued the following statement in response to House passage of a resolution to repeal the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)'s ambush election rule:

Today, Congress has given America's small business owners hope for the restoration of a harmonious workplace, by providing a check against the NLRB's continued assault against small businesses.

When the NLRB issued the ambush election rule, it created considerable uncertainty in the workplace. As small business owners, AAHOA members greatly value their close knit relationships with employees. Significantly altering the time an employer has to prepare for union organizing elections and limiting communications with employees, disrupts these valuable relationships.

AAHOA applauds Congress for taking action against the NLRB's bureaucratic overreach. This common-sense reform will go a long way in determining consistent and practical guidelines for employers as they make business decisions in the future. AAHOA urges President Obama to advocate for policies that expand entrepreneurial opportunity, by supporting Congress's action to overturn the ambush election rule.

Founded in 1989, AAHOA is the largest hotel owners association in the world, with over 14,000 small business owner-members. AAHOA members own more than 20,000 properties amounting to more than 40 percent of all hotels in the United States and employ nearly 600,000 workers, accounting for over $9.4 billion in payroll annually.

