Eulo Chiropractic Center Introduces Weight Loss Program

SEWELL, N.J., April 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chiropractor Dr. Christopher Eulo of Eulo Chiropractic Center in Sewell is introducing a new weight loss program. According to Dr. Eulo, patients on the program eat whole, organic produce, lean sources of protein and whole food shakes while staying hydrated with water daily. The program's goal, he says, is to help patients lose weight and improve overall health by helping the body remove toxins and replace them with essential nutrients.

"The 21-day purification program addresses my patients' nutritional needs helping them lose weight by eliminating toxin-heavy, overly-processed foods while replacing them with whole, organic, nutrients-dense foods that their bodies desperately need for good health and energy," says Dr. Eulo.

According to Dr. Eulo, patients beginning the 21-day purification program first undergo a physical and medical history exam with the doctor to determine their individual needs. Dr. Eulo says that each patient is given nutritional counseling, recipes and a list of clean, nutritional food options. He explains that by sticking to the list of fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources they are able to keep their energy levels up while losing weight and detoxing at the same time.

Dr. Eulo says there are many other benefits to the weight loss program besides losing weight. By replacing toxins with nutrients, he says that patients participating in the program may also notice their hair, nails and skin improving. He adds that his patients have also reported much better sleep, digestion, mental clarity and even fewer allergy and congestion problems.

Dr. Eulo encourages anyone who is interested in learning more about the healthy weight loss program to call him with questions at 856-269-4567. "Helping my patients detoxify their bodies while loading them with real nutrients has been a very rewarding process. Not only are they losing weight and keeping it off this way, but they have all enjoyed more energy and a great health boost also. After feeling so much improvement, I find that the vast majority of my patients continue with these lifestyle changes."

Eulo Chiropractic Center in Sewell, NJ provides chiropractic care, massage therapy, nutritional counseling and weight loss programs. To find out more, visit their website at

