Kungsleden issues a bond loan of SEK 375 m

Kungsleden AB (publ) issues a two year senior unsecured bond loan on the Swedish
capital market. The bond loan amounts to SEK 375 m and has a final maturity date
in May 2017.
The bond loan pays a fixed rate coupon of 1.20 per cent. Kungsleden intends to
list the bond loan on the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm in the coming
12 months.

“We are delighted to see a high level of interest from investors at an
attractive level. The continued implementation of Kungsleden’s business
strategy, which focuses on long-term management and higher quality in the
property portfolio in combination with lower financial risk, now pays off on the
levels that Kungsleden can borrow at on the Swedish capital market. Bonds
diversify the risks in our combined borrowings and are an important ingredient
in our funding mix. Kungsleden intends to be a recurring bond issuer,” says
Biljana Pehrsson, CEO of Kungsleden.

The proceeds from the bond issue will be used to refinance Kungsleden’s bond
loan 2010/2015, which matures in April 2015 with a floating rate coupon
corresponding to STIBOR 3M plus 3,17 per cent and for general corporate

Nordic Fixed Income, a company in the Catella Group, has been the financial
advisor and sole arranger and Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå has been the
legal advisor to Kungsleden.
For more information, please contact:

Biljana Pehrsson, Chief Executive of Kungsleden | 46 (0)8 503 052 04 |
Anders Kvist, Deputy CEO and CFO of Kungsleden | 46 (0)8 503 052 11 |

Detta pressmeddelande finns tillgängligt på svenska på

Kungsleden AB (publ) discloses the information in this press release according
to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Trading Act.
The information was provided for public release on 24 April 2015 at 03:00 p.m.

Kungsleden’s business concept is to own, manage and improve commercial
properties in growth regions in Sweden and to deliver attractive total returns.
Kungsleden’s strategies to create value are based on meeting the premises
requirements of customers by managing, improving and developing properties and
planning consents and by optimising the company’s property portfolio. Kungsleden
has been quoted on NASDAQ Stockholm since 1999.

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