A Minute Can Change Everything--Introducing The NEW One Minute Manager

The #1 New York Times best-selling coauthors of The One Minute Manager(R), Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, have released a new book to help people succeed at work and home in a rapidly changing world.

SAN DIEGO, Calif., May 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The One Minute Manager, published in 1982, took the world by storm. Spending many years on The New York Times Best Sellers list, it became one of the bestselling books in history. It taught millions of people around the world three simple, yet practical secrets that achieved more results in less time. Written in the same fun, easy-to-read parable of a young man looking for a good manager, The New One Minute Manager has been adapted to meet the needs of today's workplace. Introducing the powerful lessons to a new generation, readers of all ages will learn how to adapt the Three Secrets to get better results and why they work so well.

The New One Minute Manager does things in new ways that are far more effective in today's world. The current business world is one that will continually compel organizations to move faster, and often with fewer resources, to meet increased globalization. He recognizes that working side by side with people gets better results than the old top-down management style. "When The One Minute Manager came out, the early 1980s leadership was really command-and-control. The One Minute Manager was in charge. He set the goals. He decided who to praise. He decided who to reprimand. Today, leadership is much more side by side. In The New One Minute Manager, leadership is much more of a partnership," explained coauthor Ken Blanchard.

He's adapted how he communicates with people, including the way he uses the new Third One Minute Secret. "Things move so fast these days that people are in constant learning mode," said coauthor Spencer Johnson. "So the New One Minute Manager has adapted the way he uses the Three Secrets. For example, the One Minute Reprimand is now the One Minute Re-Direct, which is more helpful to people when they've made a mistake."

Using the Three Secrets in the book, people often find that 20% of their efforts lead to 80% of the results they want

  • One Minute Goals
  • One Minute Praisings
  • One Minute Re-Directs

Each secret takes only about a minute, but together they make a real difference. The New One Minute Manager shows people how to manage themselves, so they enjoy their work more and are more productive. Despite all the advances in technology and the lightning pace of today's work environment, The New One Minute Manager knows the best minute of his day is still the one he invests in people.

On Sale Now! Visit http://newoneminutemanager.com

Download the First Chapter

About The Ken Blanchard Companies®

The Ken Blanchard Companies® is a global leader in workplace learning, productivity, and leadership effectiveness that is best known for its Situational Leadership® II program—the most widely taught leadership model in the world. Because of its ability to help people excel as self-leaders and as leaders of others, SLII® is embraced by Fortune 500 companies as well as mid- to small-size businesses, governments, and educational and nonprofit organizations.

Many Blanchard® programs for teams, customer loyalty, change management, and leadership development blend the use of assessments with elearning and instructor-led training. Self-paced elearning modules are available via Blanchard Online Learning, a cloud-based curriculum that is interactive and easy to use via mobile tablets.

Using best practices based on the company's continual research, Blanchard's world-class trainers and coaches support people in making the shift from learning to doing, and drive organizational and behavioral change into all levels of organizations.

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