AppRiver Offers Advanced Security for Office 365

Email and Web security leader wraps its own security solutions -including the new SecureSurf(TM) Critical Threat Notification feature- around Microsoft's cloud suite

GULF BREEZE, Fla., May 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - AppRiver, LLC has built cloud-based email and Web security services designed to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Office 365, making it easy for users to get enterprise-strength security without having to sacrifice flexibility and productivity advantages of the cloud.

Businesses are embracing the collaboration and productivity tools of cloud-enabled Microsoft Office 365, which provides the freedom to work at the office or on the go with nearly any device. While Office 365 includes strong built-in security features, advanced security is required to protect organizations from today's sophisticated threats.

Advanced targeted attacks, fraud, distributed denial of service, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other common security and authentication attacks add to the headaches for IT administrators brought by the disruptiveness of digital business.

Clever cybercriminals know that users can be deceived by their tricks. "The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 2015" notes that nearly one in four users will open a phishing message, with half then clicking on links to websites that are infected with malware. That's why moving productivity services to the cloud requires a serious consideration of security and privacy issues and technologies.

AppRiver's protect-detect-correct security strategy helps defeat today's IT advanced threats by offering layered security options. These include SecureTide™ Spam and Virus Protection, CipherPost Pro™ Email Encryption and SecureSurf™ Web Protection.

SecureSurf is a multi-layered cloud solution that combines proactive features such as firewalls, intrusion detection, anomaly alerting, log analysis, malware forensics and virus intelligence data. A lightweight solution, SecureSurf tracks more than 16 million locations on the Internet and offers both inbound and outbound network protection without slowing down the browsing experience. In fact, users won't even know it is running unless they happen upon a dangerous site.

"SecureSurf is updated thousands of times a day using global threat intelligence and realtime dynamic malware analysis," explains Troy Gill, manager of security research, AppRiver. "It also provides immediate notification of advanced persistent threat activity so that network administrators can locate and quickly remediate affected endpoints."

SecureSurf's new Critical Threat Notifications are instantly delivered to administrators and flag detected traffic that could indicate a network has been compromised. This new functionality helps ensure threats are mitigated immediately.

SecureSurf can stand alone, work in tandem with AppRiver secure messaging products and seamlessly wrap around Office 365. "Security is part of our corporate DNA," explains Joel Smith, CTO, AppRiver. "Every service we roll out is built with customer protection in mind."

To discover how AppRiver can help enhance the security of your Microsoft Office 365 deployment, visit

About AppRiver

AppRiver is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider offering award-winning email and Web security solutions to businesses of all sizes. Understanding the need to protect networks from today's increasingly complex IT threats, AppRiver offers businesses a comprehensive, yet affordable subscription-based solution that incorporates the latest spam and virus protection, email encryption and Web security on the market. In addition, the company provides a complete managed service for Microsoft Exchange, as well as a bundled Office 365 solution. Since its inception, AppRiver has sustained an impressive 93% customer retention rate while growing its customer base to more than 47,000 companies and 8.5 million mailboxes worldwide. The company maintains offices in Florida, Georgia, Texas, New York, Switzerland and Spain, and is led by an Ernst & Young Florida Entrepreneur of the Year award winner. For more information, please visit

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit

