Women’s Choice Award(R) Honors Auto Dealerships With a 9 out of 10 Recommendation Rating Among Women, in USA Today

HOLLYWOOD, Fla., May 18, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Women across America have spoken and identified the auto dealerships they can trust for their outstanding customer experience. As a leading advocate for female consumers, the Women’s Choice Award® will recognize 51 outstanding automotive dealerships, in a May announcement of USA Today, for their commitment to empowering women to make the best choices for themselves and their families.

The Women’s Choice Award allows women to choose with confidence, knowing that other women across America have experienced these dealerships and would highly recommend them to others.

“Delivering exceptional experiences is critical to earning and retaining customers for life. We’re proud of our Chevy, Buick and GMC dealers who are putting the customer in the center of everything they do, and for building life-long relationships with our owners, their families and friends,” said Alicia Boler-Davis, Senior Vice President of Global Connected Customer Experience for General Motors.

According to the 2015 Marketing to Women Conference, research shows that women are more likely to purchase a product if they have a recommendation from their family, friends or peers. Furthermore, in a 2014 benchmark survey by Women’s Certified Inc. titled “How Women Choose Media,” women identified a recommendation as the second leading reason for why they chose a brand, service or dealership.

“When a woman is willing to stake her reputation on a recommendation, it means that dealerships have earned her loyalty. Those are the dealerships we are delighted to recognize for meeting the needs and preferences of their customer,” said Delia Passi, CEO and Founder of the Women’s Choice Award.

As the chief decision makers for the home, women represent an economic powerhouse, making over 85% of the consumer purchases (in the U.S.) and influencing over 95% of total goods and services (Competitive Edge Magazine and EPM's Marketing to Women).

 “We’re proud of our dealerships for providing industry-leading customer service, while generously donating their time and resources to support their communities,” added Latondra Newton, Group Vice President and Chief Social Innovation Officer for Toyota.

The highlighted automotive dealerships listed in the 2015 USA Today, along with its sponsors, GM, Toyota, Dealer Track Technologies and Dealer Magazine, have partnered with the Women’s Choice Award in support of its mission to empower women through awareness, education and philanthropic efforts. For the USA Today announcement visit http://www.womenschoiceaward.com/in-the-news/in-print/ to learn more.


The Women’s Choice Award sets the standard for helping women make smarter choices by collectively identifying the brands, products, and services most recommended and trusted by women - those that deliver a customer experience worthy of their recommendation. Awards are based on surveys of thousands of women, as well as research conducted in partnership with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

