Statement regarding Scanfil Oyj’s public tender offer for PartnerTech AB

On 25 May 2015, Scanfil Oyj (“Scanfil”) made a public cash offer to the
shareholders in PartnerTech AB (“PartnerTech”) to tender all shares in
PartnerTech to Scanfil for a price of SEK 35 per share (“the Offer”). The shares
in PartnerTech are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Small Cap.

Bure, with a holding of 5,404,140 shares in PartnerTech, equal to approximately
42.7 per cent of the total number of shares and votes in PartnerTech, has
undertaken towards Scanfil to accept the Offer. This commitment is conditional
pursuant to the rules in the Takeover Recommendation, which among other things
includes a Five Per Cent Threshold and a Matching Right. Furthermore, the
commitment is conditional on Scanfil’s compliance with the applicable laws and
regulations in Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules regarding public takeover offers in the
stock market, including the Swedish Security Council’s statements and

The Board of Directors of PartnerTech has decided to recommend to the
shareholders of PartnerTech to accept the Offer. Bengt Engström and Gösta
Johannesson, Board members in PartnerTech who are active at Bure, have not taken
part in the Board of PartnerTech’s deliberations or resolution regarding the

As the largest shareholder, Bure has played an important role in PartnerTech’s
development since 1999, when Skanditek Industriförvaltning, which later merged
with Bure, originally invested in PartnerTech. Under the terms of the Offer,
Bure would receive SEK 189.1M for the holding in PartnerTech, which should be
compared to the value of SEK 118.9M at 31 March 2015.

“We consider Scanfil’s offer representing a premium of 52 per cent compared to
the volume-weighted average price paid during the past 30 days to be attractive
for Bure’s shareholders. In addition, we are positive towards the industrial
combination created in the merger between Scanfil and PartnerTech,” says Henrik
Blomquist, CEO of Bure.

Stockholm, 25 May 2015

Bure Equity AB (publ)

For more information, contact:
Henrik Blomquist, CEO
Tel. +46 8 – 614 00 20

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information has been
publicly communicated on 25 May 2015, 8:30 am CEST.

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