O'FALLON, Mo., June 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Looking for ways to cut down on your utility payments and add to your savings? The first place to start is with your programmable thermostat. According to ENERGY STAR, you can save about three percent for every degree you set the thermostat above 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and one percent by lowering the temperature by one degree for eight hours in the winter.

Programming Guidelines.

Programmable thermostats come with pre-arranged setting options that allow you to program the temperature for when you wake up, during the day and evening, and while you sleep. Some models allow you to set up the program for seven days, while others accommodate weekends with five-plus-two setting arrangements.
The key is to figure out the optimal settings for your lifestyle and program those times and temperatures into the device. For maximum comfort and energy efficiency, ENERGY STAR recommends a base temperature of no lower than 78° F in the summer. During the day when you're not home, set the thermostat a little higher to save energy. Return to a normal comfortable temperature for the evening; adjust the temperature again for while your family sleeps. You can also set the program to hold a certain temperature when you go away for extended periods. For instance, you don't need the house to be comfortable when you're gone on summer vacation, so set the thermostat to hold at a warmer temperature during that time.

Resist Overrides.

While temperature settings are programmed and set to change automatically, you always can override the settings to accommodate special situations. However, you'll end up losing your savings if you consistently use this feature. You'll save the most money and keep your home cooled evenly when you allow the settings to remain in place for eight hours or more.

Thermostat Location.

The location of your thermostat affects its performance and efficiency. To operate properly, a thermostat must be on an interior wall away from direct sunlight, drafts, doorways, skylights, and windows. Furniture blocks natural air movement, so don't place pieces in front of or below your thermostat.

More Energy Saving Tips.

A programmable thermostat is just one of many energy-saving strategies that can make a difference in your utility bills. To keep your heating and cooling systems performing at peak efficiency, annual preventive maintenance is a must. Of course, the biggest impact on your electric bill will come from replacing an older HVAC system with a new, high-efficiency air conditioner. If your current air conditioner is around 10 years old, replacement might make financial sense.

Here are some do-it-yourself tips to maximize savings all year round:

  • Close shades during the day to and invest in reflective window film to help keep the heat outside.
  • If temperatures are on the chilly side after the sun goes down, crack a few windows to let the cool air in.
  • Use a ceiling fan. It will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4° F without any reduction in comfort.
  • Get rid of air leaks. Grab a caulk gun and seal off anywhere that air might be escaping. Also replace weatherstripping as needed.
  • Replace incandescent lights, which use more energy and generate a lot more heat than CFL or LED light bulbs.
  • Avoid using the oven and stovetop. Instead, fire up the grill, or whip up a salad or sandwich.
  • Plant trees on the side of your house that gets the most sun. The extra shade will protect your home from the sun's rays.

According to ENERGY STAR, the average household spends more than $2,200 a year on energy bills – nearly half of which goes to heating and cooling. Homeowners can save about $180 a year by properly setting their programmable thermostats to the ENERGY STAR-recommended temperatures and maintaining those settings. And that's just the beginning. By scheduling professional preventive maintenance on your heating and cooling equipment and implementing the strategies outlined here, you'll be well on your way becoming the most energy-efficient home in your neighborhood.

About Nortek Global HVAC (formerly NORDYNE)

Nortek Global HVAC has been designing and manufacturing reliable heating and cooling products for more than 95 years. The company focuses on creating genuine value for its customers through a unique combination of innovation, product performance and responsive support. Nortek Global HVAC uses proven technology to build reliable residential Frigidaire systems. To learn more about Nortek Global HVAC and its product offerings, please visit

Nortek Global HVAC is a subsidiary of Nortek, Inc. (Nasdaq: NTK) a global, diversified company whose many market-leading brands deliver broad capabilities and a wide array of innovative, technology-driven products and solutions for lifestyle improvement at home and at work. Please visit for more information.

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