Morocco Becomes A Major Olive Oil Producer

Agricultural Development Plan "Green Morocco" Stimulates Growth

NEW YORK , N.Y., June 24, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Moroccan Center for Export Promotion, the export arm of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, today announced Morocco has become one of the largest olive oil producers in Africa and worldwide by nearly doubling a net production in six years to 1.5+ million metric tons.

Morocco, which is already the second-largest global exporter of table olives, benefits from the implementation of national agricultural development plan Green Morocco, started in 2008 and designed to transform the agricultural sector into a stable source of growth, competitiveness and inclusive economic development. The Green Morocco plan set a target of 1.2 million hectares of planted olive area and 2.5 million metric tons of oil produced by 2020.

As of today, areas of olive cultivation have grown by 20% (933,475 hectares) to represent more than 55% of all arboriculture in Morocco, while accounting for 15% of the country's national agro-food exports. The olive oil sector has also drastically reduced women unemployment by creating 300,000+ permanent jobs.

45% of Morocco's working population is employed in agriculture, which accounts for 15-20% of Morocco's GDP. Considered as a strategic priority by the Green Morocco plan, the sustainable production and exportation of local products is at the heart of the global growth strategy of Morocco. With this goal in mind, it has invested MAD 10 billion in the modernization and technical support of farms, particularly in geographically isolated rural areas.

About Moroccan Center for Export Promotion

The Moroccan Center for Export Promotion is a government institution in charge of facilitating the export of industrial, agricultural and local products and services from the Kingdom of Morocco in international markets.

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