Opcon: Share purchase agreement concerning the sale of compressor and Waste Heat Recovery business approved by owner of the counterparty

The first of July 2015, Opcon, the energy and environmental technology Group,
communicated that it had signed a share purchase agreement concerning the sale
of the Group’s business in compressor technology and Waste Heat Recovery. The
deal includes the newly formed holding company, Opcon Compressor Technology AB,
and the subsidiaries Svenska Rotor Maskiner AB, Opcon Energy System AB as well
as 48.9796% of the shares in the joint venture in China, Fujian Opcon Energy
Technology Co. Ltd. The acquisition also includes all the intellectual property
rights relating to compressor technology and Opcon Powerbox.

The share purchase agreement was been signed with the Chinese investment fund,
Shanghai XingXueKang Investment Partnership, which is controlled by the Chinese
investment company, Fujian XingXueXuanYuan Capital Management Co., Ltd. This
investment company was set up by Chinese Investors and to 29% by Fujian Snowman
Co. Ltd., who has also provided a 20 m SEK Guarantee to Opcon for the
realization of the transaction.

The agreement is conditional on acceptance being given by an extra meeting of
Opcon AB shareholders, which will be held on July 24 2015, and on acceptance by
the investment committee of Fujian XingXueXuanYuan Capital Management Co. Ltd.

The investment committee of Fujian XingXueXuanYuan Capital Management Co., Ltd.
has now given its approval.

Advisors to Opcon have been Awapatent AB, Hamilton Advokatbyrå and Erik Penser
Bankaktiebolag. Legal advisor for the Buyer has been Advokatfirman Vinge.

For further information, please contact:
Niklas Johansson, vice president, Investor Relations, tel. 08-466 45 11, 070-592
54 53

Opcon AB, Box 15085, 104 65 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel. 08-466 45 00, fax 08-716 76 61
e-mail: info@opcon.se

The Opcon Group

Opcon is an energy and environmental technology Group that develops, produces
and markets systems and products for eco-friendly, efficient and resource
-effective use of energy.

Opcon has activities in Sweden, Germany and the UK. There are around 140
employees. The company’s shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. The Group
comprises one business area:

Renewable Energy focuses on the following areas: compressor technology,
electricity generation based on waste heat, bioenergy-powered heating and CHP
plants, pellets plants, handling systems for biomass, sludge, recycling
industry and natural gas, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, treatment
of flue gases and air systems for fuel cells.

Opcon AB (publ) is obliged to disclose the information in this press release in
accordance with the Swedish law governing the securities markets and/or trading
in financial instruments.
The information was submitted for publication at 13.00 (CET) on Thursday July 23

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