Chiropractic Care May Help Latching Issues for Breastfeeding, Says Back to Health Center

ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 26, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Back to Health Center, PLLC is raising awareness about the benefits of chiropractic care for addressing latching issues with breastfed babies. According to Chiropractor Dr. Shara Posner, occasionally the use of forceps or vacuum extraction during the birthing process can cause musculoskeletal trauma affecting how a newborn is able to use his or her jaw. This trauma can interfere with a newborn's suckling ability and cause latching problems. Dr. Posner says a gentle adjustment in the form of a relaxing muscle massage may help bring correct alignment back to the jaw and improve an infant's latching ability.

Breastfeeding is a priority for many new mothers, but issues with latching can make breastfeeding more difficult, causing frustration and disappointment says chiropractor Dr. Shara Posner. Dr. Posner's wellness and chiropractic care practice, Back to Health Center, PLLC, offers pediatric chiropractic care to address these issues.

"Many mothers want to breastfeed their babies but become frustrated with a difficult or painful latching process," said Dr. Posner. "Studies show that pediatric chiropractic care can help by correcting poor alignment that could be hindering mobility or causing discomfort. A pediatric chiropractor is specially trained to work with a new mother and her newborn child to improve safely latching."

"While there are many available formulas to nourish a baby as needed, many women prefer to breastfeed," said Dr. Posner. "Breastfeeding offers important benefits for mother and child. Breast milk carries antibodies that help protect the baby from sickness. As long as a mother follows a healthy diet, breast milk will stay consistent. That's why we also offer nutritional counseling for new mothers to help support breastfeeding in conjunction with our pediatric chiropractic services to improve latching."

Dr. Shawnte Hudgins, a chiropractor at Back to Health Center, PLLC, says that new mothers who experience frustrations with breastfeeding are not alone.

"Many women get off to a rocky start for various reasons," said Dr. Hudgins. "The good news is that pediatric chiropractic care can help ameliorate certain latching issues so both infant and mother have a positive breastfeeding experience."

In addition to offering pediatric chiropractic care, Dr. Hudgins is certified in the Webster Technique. This technique is used with expectant mothers to help the body safely prepare for childbirth. Dr. Hudgins says the Webster Technique can help reduce the likelihood for a breech birth, a contributing factor for C-sections.

Both Dr. Hudgins and Dr. Posner provide pediatric chiropractic care for infants and young children and pregnancy chiropractic care for expectant mothers.

Back to Health Center, PLLC provides comprehensive chiropractic and wellness care services, including chiropractic medicine, massage therapy, cold laser therapy and acupuncture.

Dr. Posner frequently delivers wellness talks in Northern Virginia and recently served as a key speaker at the Whole World Workshop in Fairfax.

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