Opus Inspection awarded a concession in Chile

The Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (MTT) in Chile has
announced that Opus Inspection’s subsidiary in Chile will be awarded a
concession to design, build, and operate vehicle inspection stations in Region
O'Higgins.  Under the 8-year contract, the company will establish two, modern,
inspection stations in the cities of Rancagua and San Vicente.
“We are pleased that the MTT has selected our company for the award, among the
many competitive proposals that were submitted in response to the public
tender,” said Jim Sands, President of Opus Inspection. "This new concession in
Region O’Higgins is a synergistic addition to the concession that we already won
in Region del Maule. We are looking forward to working with the MTT to implement
a successful new inspection program.”

The new inspection stations in Region O’Higgins will perform over 100,000 road
worthiness inspections per year at a fee of CLP 7,250 per inspection. The
contract is expected to start generating revenues in the second part of 2016.

Mölndal, July 28, 2015
Opus Group AB (publ)
For additional information, please contact
Magnus Greko
President and CEO
Phone: 46 31 748 34 00
E-mail: magnus.greko@opus.se
Peter Stenström
Investor Relations
Phone: 46 765 25 84 93
E-mail: peter.stenstrom@opus.se
Opus Group is a leading vehicle inspection company with a strong focus on
customer service and innovative technology. Opus Group is one of the market
leaders in vehicle inspection operations in the US and Sweden.  Opus Bilprovning
has 74 vehicle inspection stations in Sweden. Opus Inspection operates vehicle
inspection programs in the U.S., Bermuda, Chile, Peru and Pakistan and is active
in sales and service of emission control equipment in North America and Mexico.
Opus Group’s revenues amounted to approximately SEK 1,458 million in 2014. Opus
Group’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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