Red Light Running Isn't Worth the Risk

National Stop on Red Week Begins August 3

SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 31, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- August 3-9 is National Stop on Red Week, and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is sending Californians an important reminder to slow down, stay alert and stop for red lights and stop signs. In 2012, red light and stop sign running killed 167 people in California and seriously injured over 20,000 more. By practicing safe driving, which includes stopping on red, these careless and often deadly mistakes can be avoided.

"The consequences that are associated with running a red light or stop sign are far too serious to risk by making a careless decision," said OTS Director, Rhonda Craft. "Making a simple choice to obey traffic signals is all that it takes to help protect yourself and the lives of those around you."

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, about half of the deaths in red light running crashes are pedestrians, bicyclists, and occupants in other vehicles that are hit by the red light runners.  Motorists in urban areas are more likely to be injured in crashes involving red-light running than in any other type of crash.

While 55 percent of participants in the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety's annual survey acknowledged red light running as a very serious threat and 73 percent viewed it as unacceptable, more than 36 percent of drivers continue to make this poor choice.

"Stopping for a sign or red light adds mere seconds to your trip," said Craft.  "Putting your life or the lives of others in jeopardy to save a few seconds is never worth it."

For additional information and other tips on staying safe behind the wheel, visit the California Office of Traffic Safety at, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at

