Proctor Chiropractic Announces New Headache & Migraine Treatment

TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 9, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tacoma chiropractors Dr. George Keogh and Dr. Joseph Luke announces that their practice, Proctor Chiropractic, has had significant success treating patients for headaches and migraine pain using chiropractic care. Headaches and migraines are two of the most frequent reasons why people reach for over-the-counter painkillers, say the chiropractors. Proctor Chiropractic warns that while drugs can provide temporary relief, they come with two major drawbacks. The chiropractors caution that pain medication only numbs the brain's ability to perceive pain; drugs do not treat the underlying cause. Worse, drugs can also come with a host of side effects. The chiropractors are encouraging individuals who suffer from frequent headaches and migraine pain to consider chiropractor care as a drug-free pain relief alternative.

The goal of chiropractic care is to identify and treat the root cause for a patient's pain, say the chiropractors. And that's exactly why they feel chiropractic care can make a significant difference for a patient's headache pain relief.

"There are several underlying reasons why a patient could be experiencing migraine and headache pain," said Dr. George Keogh. "These reasons include a hidden injury, such as whiplash, incorrect posture habits and lifestyle triggers."

A whiplash injury may jostle the vertebrae, warns Dr. Keogh, which can cause a misalignment. Should this misalignment compress nearby nerves or muscles, this compression may increase the risk for headaches.

The chiropractors also warn that poor posture, especially in the workplace, can increase the risk for headache pain. For example, Dr. Luke says slouching at your desk or on the couch, or even sleeping on the wrong pillow can also cause vertebrae to shift out of alignment and pinch nerves that can affect headaches.

Finally, the chiropractors say they also work closely with patients to identify lifestyle triggers that could play a role in worsening headache pain or increasing the risk for a migraine.

"We recommend migraine sufferers keep a diary of what they were doing or eating before their migraines hit," said Dr. Luke. "For example, some common triggers include certain foods and beverages, stress, environmental conditions, irregular sleep habits and dehydration. Everyone is different, so what triggers a migraine for one patient may not trigger one in another. For this reason, looking back over a diary can deliver many helpful insights into inadvertent lifestyle habits that could be affecting migraine pain. Our goal is to get to the root cause of a patient's pain."

The chiropractors recommend a combination of chiropractic care, massage therapy and lifestyle adjustments for managing headache and migraine pain. They say that this integrated approach helps reduce underlying mechanical triggers, such as a spinal misalignment, as well as reducing lifestyle triggers, like the consumption of certain foods or caffeinated beverages.

For more information on drug-free headache and migraine pain relief, visit

