Bridgeview Animal Hospital Shares Tips for First-Time Pet Owners

FISHERS, Ind., Aug. 23, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Veterinarian Dr. Mike Graves with Bridgeview Animal Hospital is working with new pet owners to help make their transition easier. Dr. Graves recently announced five tips to help pet owners better handle the first 30 days, including how to help pets adjust to their new surroundings, the type of veterinary care they will need during this period, and how to get started with basics like house breaking and obedience training. Dr. Graves emphasized that all puppies and kittens will also need a check-up and the puppy/kitten shot series to provide basic immunization protection against deadly diseases, like parvo and distemper, until their immune systems have fully matured.

"The first 30 days as a new pet owner can be an exciting and overwhelming time," said Dr. Graves. "As the excitement of a new pet begins to wear off, the frustrations that come with pet ownership, especially for pets that are not yet housebroken or trained, can set in. That's why my veterinary team and I put together a list of five tips to help pet owners better manage the transition. Welcoming a new pet into the family can be deeply rewarding and an enriching experience, and our Fishers team is here to help support pet owners through every step of this process."

The first tip that Dr. Graves shared is to give a new pet a safe, comfortable space. New pets can be under a lot of stress due to the sudden change in the environment, therefore a crate or dog bed, for example, will give pets a sense of security and comfort. Dr. Graves recommends pet-proofing the room where a new pet will be spending most of the first few months.

"Pet proofing includes taping down lose electrical cords, removing any household cleaners or plants that could be poisonous, removing breakables, and installing baby gates to keep pets in one part of the home," said Dr. Graves. "If you plan on crate training, leave the crate open so a dog can come and go as he desires and doesn't get overwhelmed. Offer treats and attention for positive reinforcement to make this a safe, comfortable place for them."

Dr. Graves says it may be a few weeks before a pet relaxes and his true personality begins to shine.

"Pet owners should be patient and watch their pet's body language for signs of distress or anxiety," said Dr. Graves. "I recommend a daily feeding and walk schedule to create routine. This is especially important when house training a pet."

Pet owners are advised to schedule a prompt check-up with their veterinarian to ensure pets are up to date on vaccinations, de-wormed and healthy. During this appointment the doctor can answer questions about pet food, obedience training, and any other concerns pet owners may have.

For more information on new pet ownership, visit

