POLYSTYRENE RECYCLING The cities of Beaconsfield and Pointe-Claire hold collection days

MONTREAL, Sept. 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Given that polystyrene can be recycled into valuable and useful items and the fact that it isn't currently collected in the curbside recycling program, the cities of Beaconsfield and Pointe-Claire have partnered with the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) to organize special events for polystyrene collection.

Residents of Pointe-Claire are invited to bring the polystyrene (plastic #6) they have collected to the Public Works Yard in Pointe-Claire on September 5 and October 3. "We are proud to be involved with this polystyrene recycling pilot project on the next two Ecocentre collection days," said Pointe-Claire mayor Morris Trudeau. "This initiative further proves our commitment to reduce the amount of trash we send to the landfill by adopting the best environmental protection and sustainable development practices. Our citizens have been outstanding environmental stewards for years, and we have led the way in Greater Montreal. Plastic #6 recycling is one example. We want to make this initiative permanent by next year."


Dates: September 5 and October 3

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: 50 Terra-Cotta Avenue (Public Works Yard)

"CPIA congratulates the cities of Beaconsfield and Pointe-Claire for providing an additional recycling service for their communities," said Krista Friesen, CPIA's vice president, sustainability. "While polystyrene is not currently included in their recycling programs, it is highly recyclable and easy to manage for ecocentres and special collection events. We encourage other Quebec communities to take inspiration from these initiatives and look into adding other types of plastic to their recycling programs."


The plastic #6 will be collected by Polyform, a Granby-based company that recycles millions of kilos of plastic each year, including the polystyrene containers and packaging found regularly in households. "We are delighted that the Beaconsfield collection was so successful. It just goes to show that people are ready and want to have polystyrene collection and recycling in their areas," said Steve Jutras, Polyform's sustainable development manager.

Items for collection must be clean and free of packaging, labels, absorbent pads, and aluminum lids. Polystyrene is marked with the number 6 inside a triangle. This symbol appears on many types of packaging, including meat trays, yogurt containers and the foam used to protect electronics and small household appliances.

The City of Beaconsfield held tremendously successful collection days on August 29 and 30, with more than 500 pounds of polystyrene collected by Polyform. Polystyrene is being recycled into new durable goods.


Since November 2014 the "In search of number 6" program has allowed Montreal residents to bring their polystyrene items to the LaSalle Ecocentre at 7272 rue Saint-Patrick. To date this initiative has seen the recycling of several tonnes of polystyrene by the Granby-based company.

About the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA)

CPIA is the national organization of Canada's plastics industry, representing processors, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, brand owners, and recyclers. CPIA is committed to working with stakeholders in Quebec through Regroupement Recyclage Polystyrène (RRPS) to propose concrete solutions and actions tied to the collection, sorting, and recycling of polystyrene.

In Quebec, the plastics industry represents $4.4 billion in annual sales and $1.7 billion in exports. The industry employs 19,000 people directly and provides many support jobs.

Information: www.plastics.ca/Recycling/Polystyrene/index.php

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