Dr. Arnold Weisgold Named Honorary Member of the American College of Prosthodontists

CHICAGO, Oct. 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arnold Weisgold, DDS, has been named an honorary member of the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). He will be inducted during the 45th Annual Session of the ACP to be held in Orlando from Oct. 21-24, 2015.

"Dr. Weisgold is one of the true pioneers in the realm of the Periodontal and Prosthodontic interrelationships. His visionary educational leadership and command of clinical and didactic principles defines him as a true educator. The ACP is honored to have the opportunity to present this membership to an individual that has changed the lives of so many practitioners today while helping countless patients," said ACP President, Frank J. Tuminelli, DMD, FACP.

Dr. Weisgold graduated from the Temple University School of Dentistry and completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where he established the Department of Form and Function of the Masticatory System, the first of its kind in the world. He directed Penn's Postdoctoral Program in Periodontal Prosthesis for thirty-three years.

"I was so lucky to select great teachers in my undergraduate and residency training to influence and nurture me in my formative years as a dentist with a strong desire to," Dr. Weisgold said. "I am deeply humbled and honored to be invited to join such a prestigious organization as the American College of Prosthodontists."

He is an adjunct professor of periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and has dental school faculty appointments at many universities, including Tufts and Nova Southeastern. Dr. Weisgold has lectured worldwide and authored numerous papers on topics such as restorative dentistry, esthetics and occlusion.

Each year, the ACP selects up to three individuals for honorary membership of the College. This membership is exclusively for individuals who do not qualify for any other membership category yet have made significant clinical or scientific contributions to the discipline and/or specialty of Prosthodontics or have provided substantial support for the educational or research programs of the College. Honorary members are nominated by three active members or Fellows. The honorary membership of the College is a lifetime status.

Prosthodontists are specialized dentists with advanced training in oral health issues, who are committed to improving patient outcomes. From implants, crowns, veneers and tooth whitening, to full-mouth reconstruction, prosthodontists specialize in digital dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and sleep apnea solutions.

The ACP is the only prosthodontic specialty organization whose membership is based solely on education credentials. ACP members must be in or have completed an ADA-accredited advanced education program in prosthodontics.


About the ACP

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) is the official sponsoring organization for the specialty of Prosthodontics, which is one of only nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association. Founded in 1970, ACP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing patient care, advancing the art and science of Prosthodontics, promoting the specialty of Prosthodontics to the public and other dentists and healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality of prosthodontic education and providing professional services to its membership. For more information visit GoToAPro.org.

About the ACP Annual Session

The Oct. 21-24, 2015, ACP Annual Session in Orlando is the premier professional development and networking event in prosthodontic dentistry, featuring four days of dynamic sessions with elite speakers from around the world discussion the latest strategies, treatment approaches, practical applications, digital workflows, alternative therapies and more.

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Dr. Arnold Weisgold
