REACH Air Medical Services Named Program of the Year

AAMS Award Recognizes Performance Exceeding Industry Standards

SANTA ROSA, Calif., Oct. 20, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- REACH Air Medical Services announced today that it has been named Program of the Year by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Sponsored by Airbus Helicopters, Inc., this award is hailed as one of the air medical transport industry’s highest honors and is presented annually to a company whose air ambulance program most clearly exceeds industry standards for safety, patient care, leadership and community service.

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On October 19, 2015, at the AAMS Awards Banquet in Long Beach, California, REACH leadership and staff joined President Sean Russell onstage as he accepted the 2015 award. In Mr. Russell’s acceptance speech, he shared, “I’ve come to believe that for any business, achieving excellence boils down to three things. First, everyone in the organization has to be able to honestly align with the company’s values. Next, as a team they have to embrace those values. Finally, and most importantly, they must live those values in all of their interactions. This is not always easy, but it’s worth it. In my experience, the rewards are profound and inspiring.” He continued with, “Being chosen as Program of the Year is one of those rewards. This honor is a testament to the employees of REACH who have demonstrated integrity, compassion, and a pursuit of excellence—all in the name of doing what is right for the patient. I am privileged to work with such exceptional individuals, and I accept this award on their behalf.”

During the Program of the Year selection process, respected industry experts from AAMS and other air medical transport associations reviewed several areas within each organization including their safety record, customer service ratings, community involvement, service to the industry, and number of years in operation.

REACH’s outstanding reputation is due in great part to its notable safety practices and effective customer service program. Survey feedback from patients, hospitals, and EMS service providers reflect a satisfaction rating greater than 92 percent. The organization also demonstrates its commitment to the medical community by sponsoring annual trauma conferences that educate nurses and paramedics on the latest trends in the emergency medical field. Within the company, REACH has established employee wellness programs, employee appreciation events, continuing education courses and readily-available training opportunities.

REACH, founded in 1987 by Dr. John L. McDonald, has as its mission, “In every situation, do what is right for the patient.” The company has consistently demonstrated a commitment to patient care and has transported more than 100,000 critically ill and injured patients to date. The company has grown from one base in Northern California to more than 30 bases in California, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Colorado and Texas.

REACH Air Medical Services is a part of the AirMedCare Network. AirMedCare Network is America’s largest air medical membership network, providing emergency access to the highest level of care for its 1.7 million members. The AirMedCare Network combines the membership programs of many of the nation’s leading air ambulance operators in 32 states from more than 220 locations. For more information about membership, visit

About REACH Air Medical Services

REACH Medical Holdings, LLC, headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, provides critical care air and ground transport service to communities throughout California, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Colorado and Texas. REACH has provided safe transports for more than 28 years and has successfully transported more than 100,000 patients to needed care. REACH employs hundreds of highly-trained nurses, medics, pilots and aircraft maintenance technicians, who provide service to patients with a fleet of medically-equipped helicopters, airplanes, and ground ambulances. REACH has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services (CAMTS) since 1998. CAMTS is the gold standard for patient care and safety for air medical transport services. For more information, visit

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REACH Wins Program of the Year Award Photo
