Coface SA : Coface stabilizes results and posts profit of EUR 98 million

Paris, 2 November 2015

Results at 30 September:
Coface stabilizes results and posts profit of EUR 98 million

  • Regular growth in turnover: +5,1% at current scope and exchange rates
    (+2.5% at constant scope and exchange rates)
  • Following an increase in Q2, claims and costs are under control:
    combined ratio after reinsurance stands at 81.8% (down 0.1 point compared with H1 2015)
  • Net income (group share): €98M, with €32M in Q3 (Q1 2015 €40M and Q2 2015 €26M)
  • Work on-going by Bpifrance to integrate Coface's public guarantees activity, effective transfer date not yet specified

Unless otherwise stated, changes are in comparison with results at 30 September 2014
Published results for 2014 have been restated to take into account the impact of IFRIC 21

Jean-Marc Pillu, CEO of the Coface Group, commented:

"Coface once again posts an increase in turnover this quarter. In spite of a difficult economic climate in certain emerging markets, we have managed our loss ratio well by applying our expertise in risk management. In doing so, we are pursuing our path of profitable growth while protecting and supporting that of our clients."

Key figures as at 30 September 2015

The Board of Directors of Coface SA examined the summary consolidated financial statements for the first nine months during its meeting on 2 November 2015. They were subject to review by the Audit Committee.

  Income statement items - in €M 9M-2014
*restated IFRIC 21
9M-2015 Change
 9M-2015 vs. 9M-2014 restated IFRIC 21
on a like-for-like basis[1]
Consolidated turnover 1 072.0 1 072.0 1 126.3 +5.1% +2.5%
of which earned premiums 836.7 836.7 894.1 +6.9% +3.6%
Underwriting income after reinsurance 134.0 133.5 116.0 -13.1%  
Investment income net of expenses,
excluding cost of debt
31.6 31.6 40.5 +28.2%  
Operating income 165.5 157.7 152,5 -3.3%  
Operating income,
excluding restated items2
163.9 163.5 154.8 -5.3% -6.6%
Net income (group share) 103.1 102.8 98.3 -4.4% -6.2%
Net income (group share), excluding restated items2 113.6 113.3 109.6 -3.3% -5.1%
  Key ratios 9M-2014 9M-2014* 9M-2015    
Loss ratio net of reinsurance 49.7% 49.7% 52.5% +2.8 pts.  
Cost ratio net of reinsurance 27.6% 27.7% 29.3% +1.6 pts.  
Combined ratio net of reinsurance 77.4% 77.4% 81.8% +4.4 pts.  
  Balance sheet items - in €M 31/12/2014 31/12/2014* 30/09/2015    
Total equity (group share) 1 717.4 1 717.8 1 714.9 -0.2%  

*Published results for 2014 have been restated to take into account the impact of IFRIC 21

  1. Turnover

For the first nine months of 2015, consolidated turnover reached €1 126.3M, up 5.1% compared with the first nine months of 2014 (+2.5% at constant scope and exchange rates).

New policy production remains healthy, taking into account that 2014 was marked by the signing of some significant contracts. Our client retention rate is good.

Price pressure, linked to competitive pressures and the sound profitability of contracts in maturing markets, is under control: at 30 September 2015, the contract price effect is -2.4%, stable compared with the situation at 30 June 2015.

Turnover in €M 9M-2014 9M-2015 Change Change on a like-for-like basis1
Western Europe 347.4 351.1 +1.1% -0.6%
Northern Europe 267.6 256.0 -4.3% -3.2%
Mediterranean & Africa 162.4 183.4 +12.9% +12.1%
North America 83.5 99.4 +19.1% +0.8%
Central Europe 84.1 85.8 +2.0% +1.8%
Asia Pacific 69.7 86.8 +24.6% +8.9%
Latin America 57.3 63.8 +11.3% +17.0%
Consolidated turnover 1 072.0 1 126.3 +5.1% +2.5%

Emerging markets are driving the Group's turnover. In the other regions - mature markets where competition is fierce - the implementation of Coface's new commercial strategy involves deep structural changes whose effects will only materialize over time.

  1. Results


  • Combined ratio

For the first nine months of 2015 the combined ratio was 81.8%. Claims and costs were brought under control during the last quarter enabling the combined ratio to remain stable (-0.1 point) in comparison with its H1 level (81.9%).

Our rigorous risk management allowed us to stabilize the loss ratio despite a worsening economic environment in emerging markets. The loss ratio stood at 52.5% for the first nine months of 2015, in line with the end of the H1 2015 (+0.5 point). Proactive and selective in its risk management, Coface continues to adjust its cover of the most fragile companies and sectors in order to preserve its profitability and that of its clients. The effects of this approach materialize gradually, depending on observed payment behavior.

The cost ratio net of reinsurance was at the same level as H1 2015, at 29.3%. Internal overheads are under control and have evolved over the first nine months at a rate (+2.2%, or 0.6%3 at constant scope and exchange rates) that is considerably lower than those of premiums (+6.9%, or 3.6% at constant scope and exchange rates).

In July 2015 Coface announced it was studying implementation of an operational efficiency plan with the aim of reducing its cost structure.

This initiative is consistent with the Group's Strong Commitment plans I & II and will cover all of the Group's countries and functions. Through this project, Coface is examining all possible means of optimizing costs. The design of the plan is currently underway and Coface will present its main axes before the end of 2015.

  • Financial income

At the end of the first nine months of 2015, financial income4 stood at €40.5M against €31.6M for the same period in 2014. 

  • Operating income and net income

Excluding restated items, operating income2 was €154.8M and net income (group share)2 €109.6M.

For the third quarter of 2015, net income (group share) was €32.2M, a level that is in line with average net income recorded in the first half of 2015 (€40.3M and €25.8M in Q1 and Q2 respectively).

  1. Financial solidity

Total IFRS equity was €1 714.9M at 30 September 2015, compared with €1 717.8M at end-December 2014. The increase is due to the impact of net income for the first nine months of 2015 of €98.3M, the distribution of €75.5M to shareholders and a decrease in re-evalution reserves of financial assets ready for sale.  

Rating agencies Fitch and Moody's reconfirmed the Group's ratings (IFS) at respectively AA- and A2 (stable outlook), on 17 September and 13 October 2015.  

  1. Transfer of public guarantees activity

Work by Bpifrance to integrate Coface's public guarantees activity is on-going. The effective date of the transfer has not yet been specified.

Coface will continue to be remunerated by the French State until transfer of the activity is effective.

  1. Outlook

In 2015, Coface expects world growth to be below 3%. The advanced economies are experiencing a weak recovery and certain large emerging economies continue to register disappointing growth or are in crisis, which threatens to have a knock-on effect on other economies.

In this economic climate, Coface will maintain its policy of disciplined underwriting and selective risk management.






Monica COULL
T. +33 (0)1 49 02 25 01


T. +33 (0)149 02 16 29





T. +33 (0)1 49 02 22 94


February 9 2016: publication of 2015 results
May 4 2016: publication of Q1-2016 results
May 26 2016: general shareholders' meeting
July 27 2016: publication of H1-2016 results
November 8 2016: publication of 9M-2016 results

This press release, as well as Coface SA's integral regulatory information, consolidated accounts and Q1 analyst presentation, can be found on the Group's website:


About Coface

The Coface Group, a worldwide leader in credit insurance, offers companies around the globe solutions to protect them against the risk of financial default of their clients, both on the domestic market and for export. In 2014, the Group, supported by its 4,406 staff, posted a consolidated turnover of €1.441 billion. Present directly or indirectly in 99 countries, it secures transactions of 40,000 companies in more than 200 countries. Each quarter, Coface publishes its assessments of country risk for 160 countries, based on its unique knowledge of companies' payment behaviour and on the expertise of its 350 underwriters located close to clients and their debtors.
In France, Coface manages export public guarantees on behalf of the French State.


Coface SA. is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment A
ISIN: FR0010667147 / Ticker: COFA

DISCLAIMER - Certain declarations featured in this press release may contain forecasts that notably relate to future events, trends, projects or targets. By nature, these forecasts include identified or unidentified risks and uncertainties, and may be affected by many factors likely to give rise to a significant discrepancy between the real results and those stated in these declarations. Please refer to the section 2.4 "Report from the Chairman of the Board of Directors on corporate governance, internal control and risk management procedures" as well as chapter 5 "Main risk factors and their management within the Group" of the Coface Group's 2014 Registration Document filed with AMF on 13 April 2015 under the number No. R.15-019 in order to obtain a description of certain major factors, risks and uncertainties likely to influence the Coface Group's businesses. The Coface Group disclaims any intention or obligation to publish an update of these forecasts, or provide new information on future events or any other circumstance

ANNEX - Reconciliation Table: Operating income excluding restated items

  In thousands of euros Q3-2014* Q3-2015 9M-2014* 9M-2015
Operating income 54 561 49 904 157 669 152 503
Financing costs -4 589 -3 559 -9 408 -13 785
Operating income including financing costs 49 972 46 345 148 261 138 718
Other proceeds and operating costs        
  - Charges linked to initial public offering
including matching payments to employees who acquired shares
1 280   8 206  
  - Restructuring costs (SBCE)     1 021  
  - Provision for compensation of American agents
(restructuring and densification of distribution network in USA)
      1 889
  - Stamp duty - Coface Re       383
  - Proceeds linked to restructuring (Italy)     -1 534  
  - Other operational costs 436 2 241 436 2 241
  - Other operational proceeds -708 -490 -708 -490
  - Others -87 -881 1 -1
TOTAL Other proceeds and operating costs
(Note 19 - Annex to consolidated  accounts)
921 870 7 422 4 022
Operating income including financing costs & other products and operating costs   50 893 47 215 155 683 142 740
Other restated items        
  Interest charges on hybrid debt 3 781 4 000 7 800 12 100
Operating income excluding restated items 54 674 51 215 163 483 154 840

* Published results for 2014 have been restated to take into account the impact of IFRIC 21


[1] Constant scope and exchange rates. Published results for 2014 have been restated to take into account the impact of IFRIC 21.

2 See annex below, "Reconciliation Table", for the calculation of operating income excluding restated items. For the calculation of net income (group share), a normalized tax rate has been applied to restated items for 9M 2014 (30 September 2014) and 9M 2015 (30 September 2015) respectively.

3 Internal overheads are restated to exclude charges linked to the creation of Coface Re (employment costs, rental costs and others) (-€0.7M) for 9M 2015.

4 Investment income net of expenses,  excluding cost of debt

Pièces jointes

Coface: Coface stabilizes results and posts profit of EUR98m