Colon Cancer Coalition brings Colorectal Cancer Awareness to the 'Crossroads of the World' - Times Square in New York City

Colorectal Cancer awareness hits Times Square

MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imagine, you're 22-years-old, two weeks shy of college graduation, experiencing "unusual" symptoms. You finally convince your doctor something is really wrong. Now imagine the diagnosis – stage III colon cancer. That was reality for Kirsten Freiborg, now 26, and a three-year colon cancer survivor.

Through its newest campaign, *Don't Miss It, the Colon Cancer Coalition aims to equip more individuals like Kirsten with information to be proactive with their health. This campaign takes colon cancer screening awareness in a new, fresh direction and showcases the true power of words as they translate into action. Using a simple asterisk above important life events, such as a wedding, family milestones, or the birth of a grandchild, *Don't Miss It shows in a brief, informative and emotionally impactful way that some terms and conditions may apply to life, unless you get screened.

The Colon Cancer Coalition is a leading source for colon cancer education and awareness, encouraging screening for this preventable cancer. In 2015, the Colon Cancer Coalition directly touched 46 communities in 29 states with the signature Get Your Rear in Gear® run/walk events and introduction of the Tour de Tush™ bike ride. These grass roots awareness efforts included events in New York City, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Seattle and more. Through this new campaign the organization is able to bring colon cancer screening messages to larger audiences, including one of the world's most visited places: Times Square in New York City.

"We want New Yorkers and tourists from across the globe to take a selfie or photo of the screen and post it on our Facebook page. Then tell us what you won't miss in life because you're making the decision to get screened and learn about colorectal cancer," said Anne Carlson, executive director of the Colon Cancer Coalition. "Our hope is that people of all ages will take action, learning the signs and symptoms of this preventable disease, talking with their loved one about any family history, and finding a screening professional in their area."

Targeted at people of all ages, the *Don't Miss It screening campaign is appearing on the FOX Screen by SONY at One Times Square (1475 Broadway) through November 2015. The 15-second video spot shown on nearly 1,400 square feet of video board, twice per hour, is meant to reach all ages and encourage screening for the nation's No. 2 cancer killer: colon cancer. Directing people to where they can learn more about colon cancer, including finding resources and screening professionals near them.

Six reasons colon cancer screening is important:

  • Screening for colorectal cancer is recommended to begin at age 50 -- earlier for African Americans and other ethnic groups, as well as for individuals with a family history.
  • Screening through a colonoscopy can detect and remove polyps before they become cancer, preventing the disease from occurring.
  • There is a 90% 5-year survival rate when colorectal cancer is caught in early (localized) stages, but only 10% when it is diagnosed in late stages.
  • Only 40% of patients nationwide are diagnosed with early stage disease.
  • One in 10 patients is diagnosed with colon cancer before the recommended screening age of 50.
  • When diagnosed before 50, the disease is most often diagnosed in later stages.

About the Colon Cancer Coalition

The Colon Cancer Coalition is a non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, dedicated to encouraging screening and raising awareness for colon cancer. The organization's signature Get Your Rear in Gear® and Tour de Tush™ events are 100% volunteer-driven in communities throughout the United States. Since 2004, millions of dollars have been granted by the Colon Cancer Coalition to local programs that promote early prevention, screening, and patient support services for this disease. By making the words colon, colorectal and colonoscopy a part of the everyday language, we believe we can overcome the fear and decrease deaths from this largely preventable cancer. For more information visit

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