Two-Thirds of Marketers Will Increase Data-Driven Marketing Budgets Within the Coming Year, According to New Marketing ID Benchmark Study

Marketing ID (Insights + Data) Survey Report—2015 State of Data-Driven Marketing—Uncovers How Marketing Analytics Are Impacting C-Level Executives’ Strategic Decisions

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N.J., Nov. 09, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exclusive new research from Marketing ID reveals that spending on data-driven marketing initiatives has been on the rise over the past year, and that marketers expect to devote a larger portion of their total marketing budgets to these efforts in the next 12 months. Significant findings include valuable insights such as these facts:

  • Almost two-thirds (64%) of marketers will increase their data-driven marketing budgets over the next year;
  • Over a third (34%) of marketers expect a rise in spending of more than 10%; and
  • Nearly half (48%) of marketers plan to allocate more than 10% of their marketing budgets to data and analytics in the next 12 months.

This timely research primes B2B marketers and solution providers with informative data centered on the evolving needs and dynamics of the organizations they serve. “Forward-thinking companies are realizing that data-driven marketing is the next wave,” said Andrew Gaffney, President of G3 Communications, and publisher of Marketing ID. “Companies are investing in data and analytics because the C-suite sees that they are having a measurable impact on the bottom line across the board by improving targeting, enhancing campaign results and offering greater efficiencies.”

Respondents overwhelmingly agreed that data and analytics are making a difference in how they build, execute and communicate the value of their marketing campaigns to the C-suite. Respondents cite better campaign results (68%) and greater efficiency (60%) among other core benefits of data-driven marketing.

Professionals can download the free report by visiting

About Marketing ID (Insights & Data)

Marketing ID, an online publication, shines the spotlight on a new data-driven generation of marketing executives by exploring the tools and techniques that enable them to increase campaign effectiveness and beat the competition to new opportunities. It focuses on the actionable insights that give marketing departments more clout in the C-suite and provides a new voice that unifies the discussion around the use of data in marketing. Marketing ID’s readership of 15,000 executives in both B2B and B2C reaches marketing professionals across a broad spectrum of roles dedicated to leading modern and measurable marketing initiatives.

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