Advocacy & Communication Solutions Honored With International Communication Award

Firm’s work to build local preschool expansion plan receives highest prize in MarCom Awards

Cleveland, Nov. 10, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS), was honored with a Platinum Award in the Communication Plan category of the MarCom Awards for its two-year strategic communication plan for PRE4CLE, Cleveland’s plan to expand high-quality preschool to all children in the city of Cleveland.


MarCom Awards is an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. This year’s MarCom awards had 6,000 entries from 34 countries. MarCom’s Platinum Award is presented to those entries judged to be among the most outstanding entries in the competition. Platinum Winners are recognized for their excellence in terms of quality, creativity and resourcefulness. Only 16% of winners across all categories achieve Platinum status.


ACS is an all-female, minority-owned firm that has provided communication, advocacy, and strategy development services to early childhood education, K-12 education, Medicaid, health and human services, workforce development, and philanthropic organizations across the country for nearly 12 years. Other Platinum winners in the Communication Plan category this year include internationally known brands Bacardi Limited and Girl Scouts of the USA; last year the United States Tennis Association was named a Platinum winner for its Communication Plan.


For this award, the firm spent five months facilitating the Cleveland Preschool Task Force, a group of more than 50 stakeholders including The George Gund Foundation, The Cleveland Foundation, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District as well many early childhood providers and professionals. ACS then created a two-year strategic communication and advocacy plan to support PRE4CLE in building the communication and outreach foundation necessary to ensure every child in Cleveland enters kindergarten ready to learn and succeed in school.


“We are thrilled to receive the highest honor in the Communication Plan category for our work,” said Lori McClung, ACS president. “During our dozen years of work, we have seen our success linked, in part, to keeping a small but purposeful portfolio that ensures our clients get what they want, when they need it, whether they are next door or across the country. We take on issues that are close to our hearts, and that deep connection is reflected in the quality of work we give to our clients.”


MarCom Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). This international organization consists of several thousand creative professionals. AMCP oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets standards for excellence.


About Advocacy and Communication Solutions, LLC: Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS) is a communication, advocacy, and strategy development consulting firm that helps nonprofits, government agencies, philanthropic organizations and other groups share their messages about target issues with key audiences and position themselves as leaders in their respective fields. Headquartered in Cleveland, ACS also has offices in Columbus, Ohio, Washington, D.C., and Phoenix, Arizona. For more information, visit


