D. Carnegie & Co publishes new valuation of its properties

Residential property company D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ) - listed on Nasdaq
Stockholm – is publishing a new valuation of its property portfolio, carried out
by Newsec during November, which amounts to MSEK 13,600. Since this valuation
exceeds previously reported values by more than SEK 1 billion, it may constitute
price-affecting information, which the company is compelled to release to the
In connection with each quarterly report, one quarter of the portfolio is valued
externally by Savills and the remainder of the portfolio is valued internally.
The new valuation exceeds the previously reported total value of the properties,
MSEK 12,592, by MSEK 1,008, or 8%.

"Analysts and other commenters have repeatedly told us that the valuation of our
portfolio is too conservative. We therefore choose to procure a current external
valuation of our entire property portfolio. The new valuation shows
significantly higher values than previous assessments. This new valuation is
being published in order to provide everyone with the same information," says
Ulf Nilsson, CEO of D. Carnegie & Co.

The new valuation corresponds to an increase in adjusted equity per share SEK
14.25. The difference is mainly due to lower average yield requirement which in
the current valuation is deemed to be around 4.85%. The board of directors'
assessment of current market values will be reported in the year-end report for
2015, which will be published on 26 February 2016.
For more information, please contact:
Ulf Nilsson, CEO, D. Carnegie & Co, tel. +46 (0)8 – 121 317 25
About D. Carnegie & Co
D. Carnegie & Co is a real estate company focusing on residential properties
within the Stockholm region. The Company’s business concept is to own and manage
its real estate portfolio and to gradually refurbish apartments in connection
with the natural turnover of tenants. This can take place quickly and cost
-efficiently due to our Bosystem refurbishment method which, among other things,
does not require tenants to vacate the premises. The Company also creates
significant value through the development of building rights in the existing
portfolios. As of 30 September 2015, the market value of the company's
properties amounted to MSEK 12,592. As per the same date the total rental value
amounted to MSEK 1,293 annually. The financial leasing rate is high with no
vacancies. D. Carnegie & Co is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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