New Research from Phoenix Marketing International Reveals Popularity of Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers on this Year's Holiday Shopping Lists

The number of smartwatch and fitness tracker owners set to double this holiday season

RHINEBECK, N.Y., Dec. 8, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Phoenix Marketing International (, a global marketing research firm, today revealed new insights from the company's mobile insights platform, mXP. When asked which electronics consumers intend on purchasing this holiday season, 10% of consumers said they plan on purchasing a fitness tracker, and 7.5% plan on purchasing a smartwatch.

Recent research conducted by Phoenix shows that smartwatch and fitness tracker ownership is still relatively low. Currently, only 5% of the population owns a smartwatch, and just 10% owns a fitness tracker. This year, holiday shoppers are planning to match or exceed the current percentages through purchases in the month of December.

"The current owners of smartwatches and fitness trackers skew very young and tend to be early-adopters of new technologies," said Ken Kerr, VP Research and Client Services, Phoenix Healthcare. "Our new research shows that holiday shoppers intending to buy these devices span all age brackets much more evenly. However, many of these holiday purchases will be bought as gifts, so the end users may still fall into younger demographics. Either way, we project smartwatch and fitness tracker ownership to nearly double this month."

The survey also found that women are more likely to purchase fitness trackers this holiday season, (12%) than men (7%). In contrast, men are somewhat more likely to purchase smartwatches, (9% to 6%).

Income was not a significant factor in determining who plans on purchasing smartwatches and fitness trackers this holiday season, as higher income groups were only marginally more likely to say they intend on purchasing those items compared to lower income groups.

About mXP

mXP, powered by SessionM, is a suite of mobile products that include Phoenix's best-in-class market research methods, vertical industry expertise, and advanced analytics. mXP products provide access to an extensive network of on-the-go consumers, sourced from 100+ million mobile device users and among a coalition of 1,500 integrated mobile apps. mXP provides marketers with insights quickly, acquiring more than 275,000 responses each day, allowing for accelerated delivery of decision-making information and answers to business critical questions

