Hancock Park Veterinary Clinic Promotes National Pet Dental Health Month

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. White and her team at Hancock Park Veterinary Clinic are promoting National Pet Dental Health Month, which runs through the month of February, by offering special discounts on anesthetic and non-anesthetic dental care for pets. By raising awareness about pets' dental hygiene, the veterinarian hopes that more pet owners will bring their pets in for routine dental exams and cleanings.

Without proper dental care, dogs and cats can develop a variety of health issues. Over time, plaque on the teeth hardens into tartar, which also accumulates below the gumline where it often leads to periodontal disease. If left untreated this condition can cause serious health problems and pain for pets. In more advanced cases, periodontal disease can cause problematic changes to heart muscles, kidneys and the liver. They can develop infections in their teeth, gums and mouth; abscesses; broken teeth; and various other problems.

Vet dentistry involves performing an examination of a pet's teeth, gums, mouth and jaw, which sometimes involves X-rays. Scaling is performed on the teeth to remove plaque and tartar, and the teeth are polished much as people's teeth are when they go to the dentist. While all of this is going on, a veterinarian has the opportunity to look for other potential health issues, including cysts and even tumors that could be the first sign of more serious ailments. "In this way, routine dental care for pets may reveal a potentially serious health problem that, when treated early, may be overcome more easily than it would if it became more advanced," said Dr. White.

As a part of their efforts in promoting National Pet Dental Health month this February, Hancock Park Veterinary Clinic is offering 10% off anesthetic dental care for pets.

Pet parents are always concerned about the risks of anesthesia, and this is understandable.  For certain pets with very minimal tartar and gum disease, a thorough cleaning without the use of anesthesia is a good option.  Given that the pet is awake, there are limits to what can be accomplished without anesthesia, but the clinic uses Annie Wolf, of thepetdentalpro.com, who is known for her particular skill with such procedures. The clinic is also offering $30 off non-anesthetic dental care for dogs and cats, so pet owners can enjoy savings while ensuring that their cats' and dogs' oral and dental health are in good shape.

In addition to annual exams and cleanings, Dr. White advises pet owners to brush their pets' teeth at least 3 days per week to prevent the formation of tartar. "It can seem like a hassle," she said, "but it only takes a minute or two each day, and it makes a major difference in terms of a pet's dental, oral and overall health." Hancock Park Veterinary Clinic is located in Los Angeles. Contact them at (323) 936-6952.

