Mended Little Hearts Celebrates CHD Awareness Week

DALLAS, TEXAS, Feb. 8, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mended Little Hearts (MLH) is pleased to support and participate in Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, Feb. 7-14. Activities during this week raise awareness for CHDs, celebrate the survivors and honor those who have passed away.

MLH activities during CHD week include:

  • Rock Your Scar. Winners will be announced daily during CHD Awareness Week. This is a national photo contest that encourages all who live with the visible and invisible scars of heart surgery and heart defects to show how they embrace those scars. A winner will be announced daily.
  • Roar 'N Run virtual race. It's a race that anyone around the world—at any age—can join in. Participants just pick their distance of 5K, 10K, 13/1 miles or 26.2 miles and walk, jog or run it during CHD Week.
  • Facts about CHDs and stories about CHD survivors and angels will be shared on MLH social media channel

At a local level, many MLH chapters across the U.S. are planning their own activities for families, including:

  • Blood drives
  • Online fundraising sales
  • Fashion show
  • Bowling events
  • Dessert buffet
  • Art gallery show featuring photos of CHD warriors and angels

Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect, affecting about 1 in 110 (40,000) babies each year. About 25% of children born with CHD need heart surgery or other interventions to survive. 

About Mended Little Hearts:

Mended Little Hearts plays a significant role in the lives of families with children diagnosed with CHDs. Through its support group meetings, community education programs, advocacy for policy change, and one-on-one visits from parents who have endured the same journey, the organization provides answers for families learning their child will receive a life-saving medical device or procedure. Mended Little Hearts is a program of The Mended Hearts Inc., a non-profit, volunteer-based organization providing hope, help and healing to heart patients and their families since 1951.

