Raveling Chiropractic Center Offers Expert Treatment for Auto Accident Recovery

DUNEDIN, Fla., Feb. 14, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Raveling Chiropractic Center is raising awareness for clients and residents of Dunedin and surrounding areas about the healing benefits of chiropractic care after a car accident. Chiropractic care for car accidents can make a profound difference in managing pain and accelerating healing, and Raveling Chiropractic Center would like to make every accident victim aware of the value of chiropractic treatments after this type of trauma.

Car accidents can leave victims in pain for years after the accident. Back problems, neck pain, whiplash effects and migraines are just some of the recurring symptoms that can affect an accident victim long after the incident. Even a minor accident can cause injury that leaves an individual in discomfort for a long time.

The professionals at Raveling Chiropractic Center understand the challenges of recovering from car accidents and have a repertoire of skilled and innovative care to bring to the table to promote healing. They favor non-invasive, drug-free methods of treatments, physical therapy and pain management for deep and lasting relief as well as more efficient healing.

One of the most common injuries following an auto accident is whiplash. In a rear-end accident, the force of the car “whips” the victim’s spine forward then backward very quickly. The result is a straightening of the cervical spine, which is abnormal and can lead to many other spinal issues including chronic neck pain, headaches, migraines and difficulty in concentrating.

Another common car accident injury is herniated discs. While wearing a seatbelt is key to surviving an auto accident, it also prevents the spine from reacting naturally to the trauma of an accident. In some cases, a spinal disc can fall out of proper alignment. Slipped discs can lead to a number of other issues including back pain and radiating pain in the arms, neck, shoulders and legs.

After a car accident, issues like these will cause chronic, soreness, stiffness and pain. Chiropractic adjustments can help with both addressing and treating the issue and offering a non-invasive, drug-free approach to pain relief. Ongoing chiropractic adjustments are excellent for restoring good health after an occurrence of whiplash pain, slipped discs and the resultant headaches and stiffness.

Dr. Paul Raveling explains, “Left untreated, the injuries sustained after a car accident can lead to a lifetime of pain. Raveling Chiropractic Center is a Dunedin chiropractor dedicated to helping clients get their lives back after an auto accident.”

Raveling Chiropractic Center is located at 1116 Belcher Road in Dunedin, Florida. Those in the Dunedin area and surrounding communities of Florida who have been in an auto accident can receive more information about appropriate chiropractic care by calling (205) 942-4243. More information on the entire suite of services offered by Raveling Chiropractic Center is also available at the Raveling Chiropractic Center website.

