Cegereal - Annual Results 2015: A decisive year with NAV up 12.6% and the entrance of Northwood Investors

Paris, February 18, 2016 - 8:00 a.m.
Regulated information

Cegereal - Annual Results
2015: A decisive year with NAV up 12.6% and
the entrance of Northwood Investors

"2015 was a decisive year for Cegereal. Our operating performance, combined with our ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility, positions us as one of the most attractive, forward-looking players in the French office property market. In addition, we are pleased to welcome a new shareholder, Northwood Investors, who wants to support our Company in its growth projects and make Cegereal a benchmark office property company in France," said Raphaël Tréguier, Cegereal's Chief Executive Officer.

  • Northwood Investors' successful tender offer

In the fourth quarter of 2015, Northwood Investors acquired Commerz Real's 59.78% interest in Cegereal. Following this transaction, Jérôme Anselme was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Cegereal and five new members were chosen to serve on the Board of Directors. Their appointments will be submitted to shareholders for ratification at the General Shareholders' Meeting on February 18, 2016. Marie-Flore Bachelier, former CFO of Mercialys, also joined as independent Director, alongside Richard Wrigley and Alec Emmott, and was appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee.

In accordance with applicable rules and regulations, Northwood filed a tender offer for the remaining Cegereal shares, which closed on January 25, 2016. As a result, Northwood now holds 98.44% of Cegereal's share capital. Northwood has announced its intention to allocate significant resources to Cegereal to support its growth strategy while maintaining its REIT status. The company's shares will not be delisted.

  • Portfolio value up 8.15%

As expected, the return of institutional investors to the high-quality office segment in greater Paris continued and led to a drop in the capitalization rate for real estate assets in the inner suburbs.

This trend helped lift the appraisal value of Cegereal's real estate portfolio by a net 8.15% year-on-year to €942 million excluding transfer costs (more than €1 billion including transfer costs, also known as "replacement value") as of December 31, 2015. This compares with €871 million excluding transfer costs at the previous year-end and €902 million excluding transfer costs as of June 30, 2015.

EPRA NNNAV came to €39.2 per share, up 12.6% from the year before. This increase primarily reflects the rise in the fair value of properties (positive impact of €5.3 per share), dividend distributions (impact of €1.65 per share), consolidated earnings growth (positive impact of €0.7 per share), rent-free periods granted to new tenants (positive impact of €0.1 per share) and changes in the fair value of bank debt (negative impact of €0.2 per share).

As of December 31, 2015, the three properties' appraisal values excluding transfer costs were as follows:

  • Europlaza:                       €361 million (up 8.4%)
  • Arcs de Seine:                 €379 million (up 9.2%)
  • Rives de Bercy:               €202 million (up 5.8%)
  • Key indicators


In millions of euros 2015 2014 Change
IFRS rental income 44.3 44.7 - 1.0%
IFRS net income 81.0 42.4 +90.9%
EPRA earnings 18.2 23.7 -23.1%
Net cash-flows from operations 22.5 18.3  +22.5%
EPRA NNNAV per share excluding transfer costs (in €) 39.2 34.8 +12.6%
Replacement NAV per share including transfer costs (in €) 44.0 39.3 +12.1%
Portfolio value (excluding transfer costs) 942 871 +8.2%
Dividend (in € per share) 2.0 1.65 +21.2%

The net cash-flows from operations deducted all IFRS adjustments from the EPRA earnings, such as tenant incentives linearization granted over the last years.

2015 EPRA earnings were €18.2 million (versus €23.7 million in 2014) with net cash-flows from operation increasing by 22.5% to €22.5 million, mainly due to the reduction of the tenant incentives granted over the last years.

The IFRS net income almost doubled largely as a result of the compression in the valuation yields assumed in the appraisal values which led to a change of up to €62.7 million (versus €18.7 million in 2014).

Cegereal refinanced all of its debt in 2012 at a reduced rate of 3.15% and does not have any repayment obligations until August 2017. Its loan to value stood at 43.0% as of December 31, 2015.


  • Strong rental activity

While the rental market for large properties was sluggish in 2015, Cegereal made the most of its ability to provide flexible solutions for tenants and continued to turn in a strong letting performance for the Arcs de Seine and Europlaza buildings. During the year, eight new leases were signed for a total of 10,400 sq.m.

Arcs de Seine: 100% occupancy rate

This standout property in Paris's Telecommunication Valley on the banks of the Seine has been fully let since April 2015 (the occupancy rate stood at 97% as of December 31, 2014). Arcs de Seine is the fourth office complex in France to hold both HQE Exploitation and BREEAM In-Use "Very Good" certification. The property was entirely renovated in 2012.

In January 2015, Cegereal signed two new six-year leases, the first with Amgen on 2,800 sq.m. and the second with Exclusive Networks on 1,400 sq.m. In April, Boursorama, an Arcs de Seine tenant since 2012, leased an additional 1,400 sq.m., raising the occupancy rate to 100%.

Europlaza: "Garden Tower" a success

The private gardens at the base of the tower were inaugurated in the spring of 2015. The new renovated "garden floors" were completed in September and have been very actively marketed since then.

In 2015, five leases were signed on a total of 4,800 sq.m., including two renewals (Gartner and Software on 1,300 sq.m. each) and one extension (Gas Natural on 700 sq.m.). The La Défense tower's two new tenants, KPMG (900 sq.m.) and Robert Half (600 sq.m.), have raised the occupancy rate to 82% from 77% as of end-2014.

Rives de Bercy: the final property in the portfolio to obtain dual certification (HQE and BREEAM "Very Good")

The new nine-year lease signed as part of the Go Green program in January 2013 with Crédit Foncier, the building's long-standing sole tenant, includes stringent mutual undertakings by the owner and the tenant to meet environmental targets.

In January 2015, Rives de Bercy (32,000 sq.m.) officially obtained BREEAM In-Use International "Very Good" certification alongside its HQE Exploitation certification delivered by independent organization Certivéa in December 2014.

  • Continued commitment to CSR/Upgreen Your Business

Cegereal demonstrated its active commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in early 2015 by inviting all of its stakeholders to take part in the Upgreen Your Business collaborative program. The successful completion of the Go Green project made Cegereal France's first fully "green" REIT in 2014.

In 2015, the international GRESB index ranked Cegereal third among listed office property companies for responsible management and sustainable development thanks to a 28% improvement in its overall performance.


  • Amount to be distributed in dividends in 2016: €2.0 per share

At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on May 2016, Cegereal intends to recommend paying a total of €2.0 in dividends per share in 2016. The dividend will be paid on July 20, 2016, subject to shareholders' approval.

Cegereal's Board of Directors met on February 17, 2016 to approve the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015.

The annual results presentation and video can be viewed on the Company's website: www.cegereal.com.

Investor Calendar

  • April 15, 2016          First-quarter 2016 revenue
  • May 2016                Annual Shareholders' Meeting
  • July 20, 2016           Payment of the 2015 dividend
  • July 22, 2016           First-half 2016 results
  • October 2016          Third-quarter 2016 revenue

Media Relations                                                                                              
Aliénor Miens / +33 (0)1 53 32 84 77                                                        

Investor Relations
Raphaël Tréguier / +33 (0)1 42 25 76 36

About Cegereal
Created in 2006, Cegereal is a commercial property company that invests in prime office properties in Greater Paris. The portfolio's appraisal value is estimated by independent valuers DTZ Eurexi at €1 billion as of December 31, 2015 (replacement value).
To date, Cegereal is the first French property company with a fully certified portfolio from an environmental point of view (HQE and BREEAM "Very Good") and benefits from the Green Star rating in the international benchmark GRESB.
Cegereal is a REIT listed on Euronext Paris since 2006, in compartment B (ISIN: FR0010309096). The Company had a market capitalization of €476 million on December 31, 2015.


IFRS Income Statement (consolidated)

in thousands of euros, except per share data    
  2015 2014
  12 months 12 months
Rental income 44,310  44,746 
Income from other services 11,349  13,173 
Building-related costs (17,156)  (16,341) 
Net rental income 38,504  41,579 
Sale of building    
Administrative costs (4,976)  (3,057) 
Other operating expenses (5) 
Other operating income 65   
Increase in fair value of investment property 62,736  42,637 
Decrease in fair value of investment property   (23,933) 
Total change in fair value of investment property 62,736  18,704 
Net operating income   96,323   57,226
Financial income 15  17 
Financial expenses (14,719)  (14,533) 
Net financial expense (14,705)  (14,515) 
Corporate income tax (662)  (312) 
of which attributable to owners of the Company 80,957  42,398 
of which attributable to non-controlling interests
Other comprehensive income    
of which attributable to owners of the Company   80,957   42,398
of which attributable to non-controlling interests
Basic and diluted earnings per share (in euros)   6.06   3.18

IFRS Balance Sheet (consolidated)

in thousands of euros    
  Dec. 31, 2015 Dec. 31, 2014
Non-current assets    
Property, plant and equipment 61   
Investment property 942,000  871,000 
Non-current loans and receivables 28,928  30,941 
Total non-current assets 970,989  901,941 
Current assets    
Trade accounts receivable 13,132  6,469 
Other operating receivables 6,899  6,276 
Prepaid expenses 96  107 
Total receivables 20,127  12,852 
Cash and cash equivalents 8,723  23,499 
Total cash and cash equivalents 8,723  23,499 
Total current assets 28,850  36,351 
  TOTAL ASSETS   999,839    938,292 
Shareholders' equity    
Share capital 160,470  160,470 
Legal reserve and additional paid-in capital 21,436  21,436 
Consolidated reserves and retained earnings 305,447  284,831 
Net attributable income 80,957  42,398 
Total shareholders' equity 568,309  509,135 
Non-current liabilities    
Non-current borrowings 402,664  401,889 
Other non-current borrowings and debt 3,951  4,166 
Non-current corporate income tax liability    
Total non-current liabilities 406,615  406,055 
Current liabilities    
Current borrowings 1,626  1,716 
Trade accounts payable 3,150  2,148 
Corporate income tax liability   295 
Other operating liabilities 4,573  5,045 
Prepaid revenue 15,566  13,898 
Total current liabilities 24,915  23,102 
Total liabilities 431,530  429,157 

IFRS Statement of Cash Flows (consolidated)

in thousands of euros    
  2015 2014
Consolidated net income 80,957  42,398 
Elimination of items related to the valuation of buildings:    
Fair value adjustments to investment property (62,736)  (18,704) 
Indemnity received from lessees for the replacement of components    
Elimination of other income/expense items with no cash impact:    
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (excluding investment property)  
Adjustments for loans at amortized cost 775  1,091 
  Cash flows from operations before tax and changes in working capital requirements  19,001 24,785
Other changes in working capital requirements (2,975) (629)
 Change in working capital requirements (2,975) (629)
 Net cash flows from operating activities 16,026 24,156
Acquisition of fixed assets (8,331) (3,296)
Net decrease in amounts due to fixed asset suppliers (384) 874
 Net cash flows used in investing activities (8,715) (2,422)
Increase in share capital    
Change in bank debt   5,000
Refinancing transaction costs    
Net increase in current borrowings (90) (60)
Net increase in other non-current borrowings and debt (215) 697
Net decrease in other non-current borrowings and debt    
Purchases and sales of treasury shares 252 134
Dividends paid (22,034) (20,025)
 Net cash flows used in financing activities (22,087) (14,254)
 Change in cash and cash equivalents (14,776) 7,480
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 23,499 16,018

French GAAP Income Statement

in euros        
  France Exports 2015 2014
  12 months 12 months
  Total Total
  Sales of goods for resale        
  Sales of manufactured products        
  Sales of services     46,667  
NET REVENUE 0 0   46,667   - 
  Change in finished goods and in-progress inventory        
  In-house production        
  Operating subsidies        
  Reversal of depreciation and amortization charges, provisions for impairment and expense transfers 27,155  

  Other revenue   1
Total operating revenue        73,822   21,209
  Purchases of goods    
  Change in inventories of goods held for resale    
  Purchases of raw materials and other supplies    
  Change in inventories (raw materials and other supplies)    
  Other purchases and external charges 1,745,487 1,488,996
  Taxes, duties and other levies 129,284 50,810
  Wages and salaries 649,380 258,734
  Social security charges 266,126 121,105
  Fixed assets: depreciation and amortization    
  Fixed assets: provisions for impairment    
  Current assets: provisions for impairment    
  Contingency and loss provisions    
  Other expenses 122,762 127,967
Total operating expenses       2,913,039   2,047,612
OPERATING LOSS       (2,839,218)   (2,026,403)
  Allocated income or transferred loss    
  Loss incurred or transferred income    
  Financial income from controlled entities   68,300,000
  Income from other securities and receivables    
  Other interest income 144 4,797
  Reversal of provisions for impairment, other provisions and expense transfers 5,956  
  Foreign exchange gains    
  Net income on sale of short-term investment securities    
Total financial income       6,100   68,304,797
  Depreciation, amortization, provisions for impairment and other provisions   5,956
  Interest expenses 16,302 499,078
  Foreign exchange losses        
  Net expenses on sales of short-term investment securities    
Total financial expenses       16,302   505,034
NET FINANCIAL INCOME/(EXPENSE)        (10,202)   67,799,763
RECURRING INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX       (2,849,420)   65,773,360

in euros        
      2015 2014
    12 months 12 months
  Non-recurring income on management transactions    
  Non-recurring income on capital transactions 53,309 78,336
  Reversal of provisions for impairment, other provisions and expense transfers    
Total non-recurring income       53,309   78,336
  Non-recurring expenses on management transactions    
  Non-recurring expenses on capital transactions 5,111  
  Depreciation, amortization and provisions for impairment    
Total non-recurring expenses       5,111   - 
NET NON-RECURRING INCOME       48,198   78,336
  Employee profit sharing    
  Corporate income tax 661,939 312,460
TOTAL INCOME        133,230   68,404,342
TOTAL EXPENSES        3,596,391   2,865,106
NET INCOME/(LOSS)       (3,463,161)   65,539,236

French GAAP Balance Sheet

in euros          
 ASSETS Gross amount Depr., amort. & prov. Dec. 31, 2015 Dec. 31, 2014  
Uncalled subscribed capital       -     
Intangible fixed assets          
  Start-up costs       -     
  Research and development costs       -     
  Licenses, patents and similar concessions       -     
  Goodwill       -     
  Other intangible fixed assets       -     
  Advances/down payments on intangible assets       -     
Property, plant and equipment          
  Land       -     
  Buildings       -     
  Plant, machinery and equipment       -     
  Other property, plant and equipment       -     
  Property, plant and equipment in progress       -     
  Advances and down payments       -     
Financial fixed assets          
  Receivables from controlled entities   361,229,772      361,229,772    387,709,685   
  Other long-term investments       -     
  Loans       -     
  Other financial fixed assets   643,078      643,078  788,846  
FIXED ASSETS   361,872,850   -    361,872,850   388,498,531  
Inventories and work in progress          
  Raw materials and other supplies       -     
  Manufactured products in progress       -     
  Services in progress       -     
  Semi-finished and finished goods       -     
  Goods held for resale       -     
Advances/down payments on orders       -     
  Trade accounts receivable       -     
  Other receivables   266,196      266,196  21,067  
  Subscribed capital, called up but not paid       -     
Short-term investment securities       -     
Cash and cash equivalents   109,145      109,145  460,028  
CURRENT ASSETS   375,341   -    375,341   481,095  
Prepaid expenses   58,718      58,718  87,792  
Adjustment accounts   -      -     
 TOTAL ASSETS   362,306,909   -   362,306,909  389,067,418  
in euros      
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   Dec. 31, 2015 Dec. 31, 2014
  Share capital (including paid-up capital: 160,470,000) 160,470,000 160,470,000
  Additional paid-in capital   5,388,776 5,388,776
  Revaluation reserve   152,341,864 152,341,864
  Legal reserve   16,047,000 16,047,000
  Statutory or contractual reserves       -
  Regulated reserves       -
  Other reserves   30,188,422   -
Retained earnings      
  Retained earnings/(accumulated losses)   30,409   (3,256,815)
  Net income/(loss) for the year     (3,463,161)   65,539,236
  Interim dividend   0   (10,029,375)
Investment subsidies       -
Regulated provisions       -
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     361,003,310   386,500,686
Income from the issue of equity instruments     -  
Contingent advances     -  
OTHER EQUITY     -    - 
Contingency provisions     -  
Loss provisions     -  
Non-current borrowings and debt      
  Convertible bonds     -
  Other bonds     -
  Bank borrowings     -
  Miscellaneous borrowings and debt   -   1,806,957
Trade accounts payable and other current liabilities      
  Advances/down payments received on orders in progress   -   -
  Trade accounts payable 823,374   357,837
  Tax and social liabilities 480,224   401,938
  Amounts owed to fixed asset suppliers     -
  Other liabilities     -
  Prepaid revenue     -
LIABILITIES     1,303,598   2,566,732
Adjustment accounts     -  
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     362,306,909   389,067,418

Pièces jointes

Cegereal - Annual results 2015