Extraordinary General Meeting in Addtech AB (publ)

At today’s Extraordinary General Meeting in Addtech AB (publ) (”Addtech”) it was
resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, on a dividend
that all the company's shares in AddLife AB (publ) (“AddLife”) will be
distributed to the shareholders of Addtech.

Four (4) shares of class A in Addtech entitles to one (1) share of class A in
AddLife and four (4) shares of class B in Addtech entitles to one (1) share of
class B in AddLife. If the shareholding in Addtech is not evenly divisible by
four, fractions of a share are received, in each share class, in AddLife. Such
fractions of a share will be consolidated to shares which will be sold on Nasdaq
Stockholm through Handelsbanken. The proceeds will be paid to the shareholders
via Euroclear Sweden AB.

The record date for the distribution will be on March 11, 2016. The shares of
AddLife are expected to be recorded on the recipient's VP-account around March
15, 2016. The first day of trading in AddLife share of class B on Nasdaq
Stockholm is expected to be March 16, 2016.

Stockholm, March 9, 2016

Addtech AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

For further information, contact
Johan Sjö, MD, Addtech AB, +46 8 470 49 00

Pièces jointes
