Director/PDMR Shareholding

Transaction by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities
Disclosure Rule DTR 3.1.4

On 24 March 2016, the individuals listed below, who are all persons discharging
managerial responsibilities, were granted awards over the Company's ordinary
shares or American Depositary Shares (ADSs) under the terms of the AstraZeneca
Deferred Bonus Plan (AZDBP), the AstraZeneca Performance Share Plan (AZPSP) and
the AstraZeneca Investment Plan (AZIP). Two ADSs equal one ordinary share.

 Name    Shares         Shares         Shares      Award price per share
         awarded under  awarded under  awarded
         AZDBP          AZPSP          under AZIP
 Pascal   17,352         129,713        21,618      3923p
 Marc     8,798          54,101         9,016       3923p
 Sean     1,496          78,155         13,025      $28.19
 Luke     2,107          30,225         5,037       3923p

The AZDBP award represents the portion of each individual's annual bonus for
2015 that they are required to defer into shares. The shares are subject to a
three-year holding period (24 March 2016 to 23 March 2019).

The AZPSP award is subject to a combination of performance measures focused on
our scientific, commercial and financial performance assessed over a three-year
performance period (1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018). The award will vest on
the third anniversary of the date on which it was granted, except for awards to
Executive Directors, which will be subject to a further two-year holding period
before the award vests.

The AZIP award is subject to two performance hurdles relating to dividend and
dividend cover over a four-year performance period (1 January 2016 to 31
December 2019). The award is subject to a four-year holding period, commencing
at the end of the performance period.

Details of the performance measures that relate to the AZPSP and AZIP awards can
be found in the Directors' Remuneration Report of the AstraZeneca Annual Report
and Form 20-F Information 2015 which is available on the Company's website at

A C N Kemp
Company Secretary
24 March 2016

Pièces jointes
