The Entrepreneur is a Generator of Lasting Prosperity: Ricardo B. Salinas

—“Entrepreneurs create economic, social and environmental value,
and promote cultural change for a better future”—

—Mr. Salinas participates in the forum
 "Mario Vargas Llosa: Culture, Ideas and Liberty”—

MEXICO CITY, March 30, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Salinas (, a group of dynamic, fast-growing and technologically advanced companies, deeply committed to the modernization of the countries where they operate, announced that its founder, Ricardo B. Salinas, presented his ideas on entrepreneurs and culture before an audience of more than 300 participants at the forum "Mario Vargas Llosa: Culture, Ideas and Liberty” in homage to the 80 years of the author in Madrid.

In the presentation, Mr. Salinas emphasized the importance of promoting entrepreneurship to create prosperity, because whoever develops business takes risks and invests his or her own wealth in productive projects, which translates into goods and services that drive progress and the living standards of families. He also said entrepreneurs committed to the future add social value through positive links with communities and care for the environment.

He added that Grupo Salinas supports cultural change to promote the value of effort, strengthen the rule of law and investment in human capital to advance entrepreneurial culture and thus growth and welfare. In the cultural sphere, it helps to preserve the artistic heritage and traditions and customs of Mexico, and develops projects to strengthen national identity beyond borders and establish links with other peoples.

He also said that given the significant value generated by entrepreneurs, no economy can succeed without a strong entrepreneurial class, and added that in the case of Latin America, it is important to promote business developers and economic freedoms to access a brighter future.

Grupo Salinas and its founder Ricardo B. Salinas actively participate in forums that promote the exchange of ideas to generate economic development and community progress.

To view the conference, click the following link:

About Grupo Salinas

Grupo Salinas ( is a group of dynamic, fast growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, building the Mexican middle class, and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (, Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. These companies include: TV Azteca (;, Azteca America (, Grupo Elektra (, Banco Azteca (, Advance America (, Afore Azteca (, Seguros Azteca (, Totalplay ( and Enlace TP ( Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings.

