Nordnet: Monthly statistics March

Information about Nordnet is available at
In March, 1,719,933 trades were made in stocks, warrants and options among
Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to
83,899 trades per day. The number of customers in the end of March was 507,100,
which is 5,400 more than previous month. The number of accounts was 650,500,
which is 7,700 more than previous month. Net savings for the month was SEK -700
million and the savings capital was SEK 197 billion. Lending to customers by the
end of March was SEK 7.7 billion.

                  March      March      Change    February   Change
                  2016       2015       one year  2016       one month
Sweden            853,675    735,745    16.0%     1,134,098  -24.7%
Norway            235,285    211,090    11.5%     258,260    -8.9%
Denmark           319,437    385,134    -17.1%    406,597    -21.4%
Finland           311,536    342,337    -9.0%     350,387    -11.1%
Total             1,719,933  1,674,306  2.7%      2,149,342  -20.0%
Average per day   83,899     76,105     10.2%     102,350    -18.0%
Active customers  507,100    449,900    12.7%     501,700    1.1%
Active accounts   650,500    570,800    14.0%     642,800    1.2%
Net savings (SEK  -700       2,500      -128.0%   1,400      -150.0%
Savings capital   197        193        1.7%      194        1.5%
(SEK billion)
Margin lending    4,707      3,823      23.1%     4,591      2.5%
excluding cash
cash equivalents
(SEK million)
Personal Loans    2,711      2,314      17.1%     2,671      1.5%
(SEK million)

Table: Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all
customers, and average number of trades per day. Average number of trades per
day is calculated as total trades divided by the number of days the Swedish
exchanges are open. Accounts, customers, net savings, savings capital and
lending are based on preliminary data.

- March ended around zero on the Nordic stock exchanges. The world economy is in
an uncertain situation with signs of both strength and weakness. During the
month, the ECB announced expanded stimulus. This type of action usually means
that the stock market reacts positively, but the question is how effective these
measures are in the light of the recent failed attempts to boost the economy,
says Johan Tidestad, CCO of Nordnet.

- The high market activity that we have seen the first two months of the year,
slowed down in March. The number of trades among our customers decreased by 18
percent compared to previous month, but is 10 percent higher than in March last
year. Net savings is negative due to the previously announced reduction in
cooperation with the partner Söderberg & Partners on the Swedish market. Of
their clients’ capital, SEK 2.2 billion was transferred from Nordnet during the
month. A total of SEK 9.5 billion related to Söderberg & Partners has been
transferred from Nordnet. The volume in both personal loans and margin lending
increased slightly compared with the previous month, says Johan Tidestad.
For more information, please contact:
Johan Tidestad, Chief Communications Officer, 0708 875 775, Twitter @JohanNordnet

The information in this report is that which Nordnet AB (publ) is required to
publish in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or
the Swedish Securities Act. This information has been submitted to the market
for publication on 1 April 2016 at 14.30 (CET).
Nordnet is a bank for investments and savings with business in Sweden, Denmark,
Finland and Norway. The idea behind Nordnet is to give customers control of
their money, and the goal is to become the no. 1 choice for investments and
savings in the Nordics. Nordnet AB (publ) is listed in Nasdaq Stockholm. Visit
us at,,, or

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