Notice of Investor AB’s Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2016

Investor AB (publ) summons to the Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) to be
held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at City Conference Centre,
Barnhusgatan 12-14, Stockholm, Sweden. Registration for the Meeting will
commence at 1:00 p.m. The “Investor Dialog” begins at 2:00 p.m., where
Investor’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Jacob Wallenberg, and President
and CEO, Johan Forssell, will be available for dialog and questions.

Entitled to participate in the business of the Meeting, is any person who
has been recorded in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden
AB on Tuesday, May 3, 2016; and
has notified Investor of their intention to attend the Meeting no later than on
Tuesday, May 3, 2016, on the website of Investor AB,, or by
calling +46 8 611 29 10, or by writing to Investor AB, Annual General Meeting,
SE-103 32 Stockholm, Sweden, whereby notification should also be given of the
attendance of any assistants.

Personal data collected from the register of shareholders maintained by
Euroclear Sweden AB will be used for registration and the drawing up of the
voting list for the Meeting.

Nominee-registered shares
Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through the
trust department of a bank or similar institution must, in order to be entitled
to participate in the Meeting, request that their shares are re-registered in
their own names in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden
AB. Such registration must be effected on Tuesday, May 3, 2016. Shareholders
should inform their nominees well in advance of this date.

Proxies, etc.
Shareholders who are represented by proxy must authorize such proxy by issuing a
power of attorney. If such power of attorney is issued by a legal entity, an
attested copy of the certificate of registration evidencing the authority to
issue the power of attorney must be attached. The original power of attorney and
the certificate of registration, where applicable, are to be sent to Investor
AB, Annual General Meeting, SE-103 32 Stockholm, Sweden, well in advance of the
Meeting. The form to use for a power of attorney can be found on Investor AB’s

Shareholders’ right to receive information
The shareholders are reminded of their right to receive information from the
Board of Directors and the President at the Annual General Meeting in accordance
with Chapter 7 Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act (Sw. aktiebolagslagen).
Shareholders who want to submit questions in advance may do so by mail to
Investor AB, Annual General Meeting, SE-103 32 Stockholm or by e-mail to

1.  Election of the Chairman of the Meeting.
2.  Drawing up and approval of the voting list.
3.  Approval of the agenda.
4.  Election of one or two persons to attest to the accuracy of the minutes.
5.  Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened.
6.  Presentation of the parent company’s annual report and the auditors’ report,
as well as of the consolidated financial statements and the auditors’ report for
the Investor Group.
7.  The President’s address.
8. Report on the work of the Board of Directors and of the Board Committees.
9. Resolutions regarding adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet
for the parent company, as well as of the consolidated income statement and the
consolidated balance sheet for the Investor Group.
10.  Resolution regarding discharge from liability of the Members of the Board
of Directors and the President.
11. Resolution regarding disposition of Investor’s earnings in accordance with
the approved balance sheet and determination of a record date for dividends.
12.  Decisions on:
A.  The number of Members and Deputy Members of the Board of Directors who shall
be appointed by the Meeting.
B.  The number of Auditors and Deputy Auditors who shall be appointed by the
13.  Decisions on:
A.  The compensation that shall be paid to the Board of Directors.
B.  The compensation that shall be paid to the Auditors.
14.  Election of Members and Deputy Members of the Board of Directors.
Proposal from the Nomination Committee:
A. Josef Ackermann, re-election
B. Gunnar Brock, re-election
C. Johan Forssell, re-election
D. Magdalena Gerger, re-election
E. Tom Johnstone, CBE, re-election
F. Grace Reksten Skaugen, re-election
G. Hans Stråberg, re-election
H. Lena Treschow Torell, re-election
I. Jacob Wallenberg, re-election
J. Marcus Wallenberg, re-election
K. Sara Öhrvall, re-election
15. Election of Chairman of the Board of Directors
16. Election of Auditors and Deputy Auditors.
17.  Proposals for resolutions on:
A. Guidelines for salary and on other remuneration for the President and other
Members of the Management Group.
B. A long-term variable remuneration program for the Members of the Management
Group and other employees.
18.  Proposals for resolutions on:
A.  Purchase and transfer of own shares in order to give the Board of Directors
wider freedom of action in the work with the Company’s capital structure, in
order to enable transfer of own shares according to 18B below, and in order to
secure the costs connected to the long-term variable remuneration program and
the allocation of synthetic shares as part of the remuneration to the Board of
B.  Transfer of own shares in order to enable the Company to transfer own shares
to employees who participate in the long-term variable remuneration program
19.  Proposal from the shareholder Thorwald Arvidsson that the Annual General
Meeting resolves:
A. To adopt a vision zero with respect to workplace accidents within the Company
as well as within its portfolio companies.
B. To instruct the Board of Directors of the Company to set up a working group
to implement this vision zero.
C. That the result annually shall be reported in writing to the Annual General
Meeting, as a suggestion by including the report in the printed version of the
Annual Report.
D. To adopt a vision on absolute equality on all levels within the Company as
well as within its portfolio companies between men and women.
E. To instruct the Board of Directors of the Company to set up a working group
with the task of implementing also this vision in the future as well as to
closely monitor the development with respect to both equality and ethnicity.
F. To annually submit a report in writing to the Annual General Meeting, as a
suggestion by including the report in the printed version of the Annual Report.
G. To instruct the Board of Directors to take appropriate actions in order to
establish a shareholders’ association for the Company.
H. That Member of the Board of Directors should not be allowed to invoice Board
compensation through a legal entity, Swedish or foreign.
I. That the Nomination Committee, in the performance of its duties, shall take
into specific account matters related to ethics, gender and ethnicity.
J. With respect to h) above, instruct the Board of Directors to address the
relevant authority – The Tax Authority or the Government – to seek to induce a
change in the regulatory framework.
K. An amendment to the Articles of Association (section 4, paragraph 3) – as
At General Meeting of Shareholders, Class A shares as well as Class B shares
carry one vote each. As for the rest…
L. In relation thereto, instruct the Board of Directors to address the
Government regarding an amendment to the Swedish Companies Act in order to
revoke the possibility to have different voting rights for different classes of
shares in Swedish limited liability companies.
M. An amendment to the Articles of Association by adding two new paragraphs in
section 5 (paragraph 2-3).
Former cabinet ministers may not be elected as Members of the Board of Directors
until two years have elapsed from the time the person did resign from such
Other of the publicly remunerated politicians may not be elected as Members of
the Board of Directors until one year has elapsed from the time the person did
resigned from such position, unless exceptional reasons induce the contrary.
N. In relation thereto, address to the Government the need of introduction of
provisions concerning so-called politician quarantine on a national level.
O. To instruct the Board of Directors to prepare a proposal for the
representation of small and medium-sized shareholders to be submitted to the
Annual General Meeting 2017, or any Extra General Meeting held prior thereto,
for decision.
20.  Conclusion of the Meeting.

The Board of Directors’ proposals for decision

Item 11 - Dividend and record date
The Board of Directors and the President propose a dividend to the shareholders
of SEK 10.00 per share and that Thursday, May 12, 2016, shall be the record date
for receipt of the dividend. Should the Meeting decide in favor of the proposal,
payment of the dividend is expected to be made by Euroclear Sweden AB on
Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Item 17 - Guidelines for salary and other remuneration for the President and
other Members of the Management Group and on a long-term variable remuneration
The Board of Directors of Investor seeks to attain a remuneration system for the
President, other Members of the Management Group and other employees which is in
line with market conditions and competitive and thus interesting for the
qualified circle of employees that Investor wants to attract and retain.

The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for salary and other
remuneration for the President and other Members of the Management Group to the
Annual General Meeting 2016 comply with the guidelines for remuneration decided
by the Annual General Meeting 2015, however, with the exception that it is now
proposed that pension benefits shall consist of a premium based pension plan, of
which the ratio of pension provisions to fixed cash salary depends on the age of
the executive. The pension benefit for the Management Group shall consists of a
premium based pension plan on all parts of the fixed salary. The combined
effects of the changes of the Company’s pension plans result in unchanged
pension earnings for Management Group Members, however with predictable and
lower costs for the Company.

Item 17A - Guidelines for salary and other remuneration for the President and
other Members of the Management Group
Investor shall strive to offer a total remuneration in line with market
conditions which will enable Investor to recruit and retain the most suitable
senior executives. Comparative studies of relevant industries and markets are
carried out annually in order to determine what constitutes a total level of
remuneration in line with market conditions and in order to evaluate current
remuneration levels. The total remuneration shall be based on factors such as
position, performance and individual qualification. The total remuneration to
the Management Group shall consist of fixed cash salary, variable cash salary,
long-term variable remuneration, pension and non-monetary benefits and other
remuneration. Fixed cash salary, variable cash salary and long-term variable
remuneration together comprise the total salary of the employee.

The fixed cash salary shall be reviewed annually and constitutes the basis for
calculating the variable salary.

The short-term variable cash salary is dependent upon the individual’s
achievement to meet annually set goals. The outcome of the short-term variable
cash salary is reviewed annually. For the Management Group, the highest possible
short-term variable cash salary shall vary due to the position held and
employment agreements and shall, for the Members of the Management Group,
generally amount to 10-75 per cent of the fixed cash salary. For the current
President, the short-term variable cash salary amounted to maximum 30 per cent
in 2015. The total short-term variable cash salary before tax for all current
Members of the Management Group, can vary between SEK 0 and SEK 7.0 million
during 2016, depending on whether the goals have been met. The short-term
variable cash salary might exceed this amount in the event that the Management
Group is expanded. The outcome should only be related to the fulfillment of the
individual’s goals and thus the remuneration is clearly related to the work
contributions and performance of the individual. The goals shall be both
qualitative and quantitative and be based on factors which support the Company’s
long-term strategy.

The long-term variable remuneration program is dealt with under item 17B.

Pension benefits shall consist of a premium based pension plan of which the
ratio of pension provisions to fixed cash salary depends on the age of the
executive. In respect of employees working abroad, pension benefits shall be
adjustable in line with local pensions practice. The age of retirement for the
President and other Members of the Management Group shall be 60 years.

Non-monetary benefits and other remuneration shall be on market terms and shall
contribute to facilitating the executive’s discharge of his or her duties.

Investor and Members of the Management Group may mutually terminate employment
contracts subject to a six months’ notice. Fixed cash salary during the notice
period and severance pay shall, for Members of the Management Group with
employment contracts entered into after the Annual General Meeting 2010, in
aggregate not exceed the fixed cash salary for two years. For Members of the
Management Group employed before the Annual General Meeting of 2010 the
contracts already entered into shall apply. For these Members a mutual
termination period of six month applies and severance payment is maximized to 24
months of fixed cash salary.

The Board of Directors may, where particular grounds exist in the individual
case, decide to deviate from the guidelines.

Item 17B - Long-term variable remuneration program 2016
As regards the long-term variable remuneration program, it is the Board of
Directors’ ambition to create a structure which provides a balance between the
employees’ risk – by the requirement on holding of Investor shares in order to
participate in the program – and the employees’ possible reward – through
performance-related allocation of Investor shares. The holding of Investor
shares makes the employees committed to Investor. In addition, part of the
remuneration to the employees is related to the long-term development of
Investor and the Investor share entailing that the employee is exposed to share
price increases and decreases and will have goals equivalent to those of
Investor’s shareholders.

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting 2016
a long-term variable remuneration program which is substantially the same as the
program from 2015 and which is built on a Stock Matching Plan and a Performance
-Based Share Program. Both programs are connected to Investor shares of class B.

According to the Stock Matching Plan all employees who choose to participate in
the program for each share that qualifies for participation in the Stock
Matching Plan (“Participation Share”) will receive two options (“Matching
Options”) and a right to purchase one Investor share (“Matching Share”). The
Participation Share may either be a share that the employee already owns or a
share which is acquired during a period following the disclosure of Investors
first interim report for 2016 as resolved upon by the Board of Directors
(“Measurement Period”). The average volume weighted payment price for the
Investor share during the Measurement Period is referred to as the
“Participation Price”. The Matching Share can, after a three-year vesting
period, be acquired for SEK 10 during a four-year period. During the same
period, each Matching Option entitles the holder to purchase one share at an
exercise price corresponding to 120 per cent of the Participation Price.

According to the Performance-Based Share Program, senior management, after a
three-year vesting period, has the right during four years to acquire shares
(“Performance Shares”) at a price corresponding to 50 per cent of the
Participation Price conditional upon that the total return on the Investor
shares exceeds a certain level. The annual total return (including reinvested
dividends) is measured quarterly during the vesting period and must exceed the
interest on 10-year government bonds with more than 10 percentage points in
order for senior management to be entitled to acquire the maximum number of
Performance Shares, which preliminary has been allotted to the respective senior

The allotment of Matching Shares, Matching Options and Performance Shares to an
employee is also related to the employee’s position and is based on the
employee’s fixed cash salary.

Assuming a Participation Price of SEK 275, the highest number of shares which
can be acquired by the employees as a result of the Matching Options will be
125,000. The highest number of Matching Shares that the employees can have the
right to acquire, including estimated remuneration for dividends, amounts to
75,000. The highest number of Performance Shares that Senior Management can have
the right to acquire, including estimated remuneration for dividends, amounts to
365,000. The highest number of shares that can be acquired under the long-term
variable remuneration program is dependent upon the Participation Price and can
thus increase or decrease.

The costs for the 2016 long-term variable remuneration program as shown on the
income statement is based on the accounting principles in accordance with IFRS-2
and amounts, with a Participation Price of SEK 275 and full participation, to
approximately SEK 24 million for the Stock Matching Plan and approximately SEK
22 million for the Performance-Based Share Program. Estimated costs for social
security charges are included in these amounts.

In order to reduce the costs of the long-term variable remuneration program, the
Board of Directors intends to hedge the program through total return swaps with
third parties and/or, subject to the shareholders’ approval under item 18B on
the agenda, repurchases of Investor’s shares which can then be transferred to
the employees under the Stock Matching Plan and the Performance-Based Share

Item 18 - Purchase and transfer of own shares

Item 18A - Purchase and transfer of own shares in order to give the Board of
Directors wider freedom of action in the work with the Company’s capital
structure, in order to enable transfer of own shares according to 18B below, and
in order to secure the costs connected to the long-term variable remuneration
program and the allocation of synthetic shares as part of the remuneration to
the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors proposes that the Board is authorized, during the period
until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide on (i) purchases of Investor’s
shares on Nasdaq Stockholm and purchases in accordance with purchase offerings
to shareholders, respectively, and on (ii) transfer of Investor’s shares on
Nasdaq Stockholm, or in a manner other than on Nasdaq Stockholm including the
right to decide on waiver of the shareholders’ preferential rights and that
payment may be effected other than in cash. The Company may purchase maximum so
many shares that the Company’s holding of own shares after the purchase amounts
to a maximum of one-tenth of all the shares in the Company. The Company may
transfer maximum all own shares held at the time of the Board of Directors’
resolution to transfer shares.

The purpose of the proposal is to give the Board of Directors wider freedom of
action in the work with the Company’s capital structure, possibility to resolve
on transfer of own shares according to item 18B below, and possibility to secure
the costs, including the social security payments, in connection with the long
-term variable remuneration program and with the allocation of synthetic shares
as part of the remuneration to the Board of Directors (as regards synthetic
shares, see the Nomination Committee’s proposal for decision below).

Item 18B - Transfer of own shares in order to enable the Company to transfer own
shares to employees who participate in the long-term variable remuneration
program 2016
The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting resolves that transfer of
Investor’s shares, in a maximum number of 800,000 (or the higher number that may
follow from a recalculation because of a split, bonus issue or similar action),
to the employees in accordance with the long-term variable remuneration program
described in item 17B shall be possible. The number of shares has been
calculated with a certain margin as share price fluctuations during the period
up and until the measurement period following the 2016 Annual General Meeting
may have an effect on the value of the program and, thus, on the number of
shares to be included in the program.

The Nomination Committee’s proposals for decision
Investor’s Nomination Committee, consisting of Hans Wibom (Wallenberg
Foundations, Chairman of the Nomination Committee), Peder Hasslev (AMF), Lars
Isacsson (SEB Foundation), Ramsay Brufer (Alecta), jointly representing
approximately 60 per cent of the voting rights for all the shares in Investor,
and Jacob Wallenberg (Chairman of the Board of Directors), proposes the

Item 1 - The Chairman of the Meeting
Axel Calissendorff, member of the Swedish Bar Association, as Chairman of the

Item 12A - The number of Members of the Board of Directors
Eleven Members of the Board of Directors and no Deputy Members of the Board of

Item 12B - The number of Auditors
One registered auditing company.

Item 13A - The compensation to the Board of Directors
A total compensation to the Board of Directors of SEK 9,995,000 in accordance
with the following:
• SEK 8,910,000,
whereof SEK 2,400,000 (2,340,000) to the Chairman, SEK 1,390,000 (625,000) to
the Vice Chairman and SEK 640,000 (625,000) to each of the other eight Members
of the Board which are not employed by the Company in cash and in so-called
synthetic shares (see below) and,
• SEK 1,085,000 in cash as remuneration for work in the committees of the Board
of Directors,
to be allocated as follows: 
The Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee SEK 255,000 (250,000) and the three
other Members SEK 170,000 (165,00). 
The Chairman of the Remuneration Committee SEK 160,000 (155,000) and the two
other Members SEK 80,000 (78,000) each.

With the exception for the compensation to the Vice Chairman, the proposal from
the Nomination Committee entails an average increase of the total Board
compensation of approximately 2.5 per cent (including Committee remuneration).
As a consequence of more extensive duties for the Vice Chairman as a result of
the structural changes within the Company, the proposal is that the compensation
to the Vice Chairman, which presently is the same as for ordinary Members of the
Board, is increased to a level between the compensation to the Chairman and the
compensation to ordinary Members.

The Nomination Committee recommends the Board of Directors of Investor to, as in
2011-2015, establish a shareholding policy pursuant to which the Members of the
Board, that do not already have such holding, are expected to, over a five year
period, acquire an ownership in Investor shares (or a corresponding exposure to
the Investor share, for example in synthetic shares) with a market value which
is expected to correspond to at least one year board remuneration, before taxes,
excluding remuneration for committee work.

In order to facilitate the establishment of such holding or exposure the
Nomination Committee proposes that the nominated Member of the Board shall be
entitled to elect to receive 50 per cent of the proposed remuneration before
taxes, excluding remuneration for committee work, in the form of synthetic
shares and 50 per cent in cash, instead of receiving 100 per cent of the
remuneration in cash.

The synthetic shares will be valued in connection with allocation after the
Annual General Meeting 2016 and shall be based on an average market price of
shares of class B during a measurement period in conjunction with the

A synthetic share carries the same economic rights as an Investor share of class
B, which means that the value of the Board of Director’s remuneration in
synthetic shares, in the same way as shares of class B, fluctuate with the share
price and dividend amount during the five year period until 2021, when each
synthetic share entitles the Member of the Board of Directors to receive an
amount based on the then prevailing share price of an Investor share of class B.

The synthetic shares have the right, during the fifth calendar year after the
beginning of term of office, on four occasions to receive payment, in respect of
25 per cent of allocated shares on each occasion, in an amount in cash per
synthetic share corresponding to the market price, at each respective occasion
for payment, of an Investor share of class B. The synthetic shares shall be
regarded as continuously vested during the term of office, with 25 per cent per
quarter. Dividends on Investor shares of class B, during the period up and until
payment shall be credited the Member of the Board of Directors in form of
allocation of additional synthetic shares.

The Company’s undertaking to effect future payments regarding the synthetic
shares as described above, should be hedged by the Company, either by re
-purchasing of its own shares, which then shall be sold on the market in
connection with the payment to the Members of the Board or by hedging agreements
with banks. The financial effect for the Company, if the Members of the Board
receive part of their remuneration in synthetic shares compared to receiving the
full remuneration in cash, is due to the hedging arrangements, assessed to be
very limited.

The proposal thus entails that the Annual General Meeting approves remuneration
to the Board of Directors in an amount of, in aggregate, SEK 9,995,000 whereof
not less than SEK 0 and not more than SEK 4,455,000 shall consist of synthetic

Item 13B - The compensation to the Auditors
Auditors’ fees to be paid upon approval of their invoice.

Item 14 - The Members of the Board of Directors
The following persons are proposed for re-election as Members of the Board of
Directors: Josef Ackermann, Gunnar Brock, Johan Forssell, Magdalena Gerger, Tom
Johnstone, Grace Reksten Skaugen, Hans Stråberg, Lena Treschow Torell, Jacob
Wallenberg, Marcus Wallenberg and Sara Öhrvall.

Item 15 – The Chairman of the Board of Directors
Jacob Wallenberg is proposed to be re-elected as Chairman of the Board of

Item 16 - The Auditors
The registered auditing company Deloitte AB is proposed to be re-elected as
Auditor for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2017.
Deloitte AB has informed that, subject to the approval of the proposal from the
Nomination Committee regarding Auditor, the Authorized Public Accountant Thomas
Strömberg will continue as the auditor in charge for the audit.

Shares and Votes
Investor’s share capital amounts to SEK 4,794,843,937.50, represented by
767,175,030 shares divided into 311,690,844 A-shares and 455,484,186 B-shares. A
-shares carry one vote while B-shares carry 1/10th vote. Investor holds, as per
April 4, 2016, 3,778,909 own B-shares, corresponding to 377,890.9 votes, which
cannot be represented at the Meeting.

Majority rules
The implementation of the Board of Directors’ proposal under item 18A on the
agenda is subject to the approval at the Annual General Meeting with at least
2/3 of both the votes cast and of the shares represented at the Meeting. The
implementation of the Board of Directors’ proposal under item 18B on the agenda
is subject to the approval at the Annual General Meeting with at least 9/10 of
both the votes cast and of the shares represented at the Meeting. The
implementation of shareholder Thorwald Arvidsson’s proposal under item 19K on
the agenda is subject to approval by all shareholders present at the Annual
General Meeting and that they together represent at least 9/10 of all shares in
the Company, or, alternatively, approval at the Annual General Meeting with at
least 2/3 of both the votes cast and of the shares represented at the Meeting,
provided that shareholders representing at least 1/2 of all Class A shares and
at least 9/10 of the Class A shares represented at the Meeting support the
resolution. The implementation of shareholder Thorwald Arvidsson’s proposal
under item 19M on the agenda is subject to the approval at the Annual General
Meeting with at least 2/3 of both the votes cast and of the shares represented
at the Meeting.
Further information
Information about all persons proposed as Members of the Board of Directors of
Investor AB, information about proposed Auditor, the motivated opinion by the
Nomination Committee regarding the proposal for the Board of Directors, the
Nomination Committee’s complete proposal, as well as the proposal by shareholder
Thorwald Arvidsson regarding item 19 on the agenda, can be found on Investor’s
website,, and will, free of charge, be sent to the
shareholders who request the Company to do so.

The Board of Directors’ complete proposal and related documents regarding item
17 and 18 on the agenda, the guidelines for salary and other remuneration and
the long-term variable remuneration program and the purchase and transfer of own
shares are available at Investor and on Investor’s website,,
and will, free of charge, be sent to the shareholders who request the Company to
do so. The proposal regarding item 17, the guidelines for salary and other
remuneration and the long-term variable remuneration program, will in addition
free of charge be sent to the shareholders who have given notice of their
intention to attend the Meeting.

Accounting documents, the Audit Report, the statement of the Auditors regarding
the application of guidelines for salary and other remuneration, and the Board
of Director’s statement pursuant to Chapter 19 Section 22 of the Companies Act,
will be made available at Investor and on Investor’s website,, no later than from April 19, 2016, and will be sent free of
charge to the shareholders who request the Company to do so.

For the convenience of non-Swedish speaking shareholders that are attending the
Meeting, the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting will be simultaneously
interpreted into English.

The President’s address will be available on Investor's website,, as of May 11, 2016.

Stockholm, April 2016
Investor AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
For further information:

Stefan Stern, Head of Corporate Relations, Sustainability and Communications,
Phone 46 8 614 2058, 46 70 636 7417
Magnus Dalhammar, Head of Investor Relations, Phone 46 8 614 2130, 46 73 524
Our press releases can be accessed at
Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family a hundred years ago, is the leading
owner of high quality Nordic-based international companies. Through board
participation, our industrial experience, network and financial strength, we
strive to make our companies best-in-class. Our holdings include, among
others, Atlas Copco, SEB, ABB, Ericsson and Mölnlycke Health Care.

Pièces jointes
