FOX Offering Unique Workshop on Designing a Family Office

Two-day workshop helps families understand the benefits of a family office and the right way to set one up

CHICAGO, April 06, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Family Office Exchange (FOX), a global membership organization of enterprise families and their key advisors, will be offering its one-of-a-kind Family Office Design Workshop on June 8-9 in Chicago. The Workshop is for business-owning families and families with new liquidity who are setting up a family office or reviewing an existing family office. It provides participants with the knowledge and perspective they need to determine whether a family office is right for them, and the basic structural and background information on how to run one should they decide to do so—including detailed information on family office structures and fees.

“Families who contact us about starting a family office want to do it right from the start,” says Charles B. Grace, III, Managing Director at FOX. “They want to know what steps to take, when to take them, and how to avoid costly mistakes. And if they have a family office, often they want to enhance its capabilities.”

Over the two-day Workshop, members of the FOX Team will apply their experience working with hundreds of family offices to help attendees begin to craft a custom approach for their family office. This workshop provides those families with all of the essential knowledge they’ll need to start their wealth management approach the right way.

Attendees will leave the Workshop with an understanding of:

  • Family enterprise goals, governance, ownership structures
  • Roles and responsibilities of the family and the family office
  • Family office costs and measures of success
  • Scope of services, including investment guidelines and processes
  • Operations and infrastructure, including technology solutions and staff compensation

Registration for the workshop is open to wealth owners and family office executives. Attendees are encouraged to bring the members of the family who will be stakeholders in the office and their office executives, as well as any staff members who are new to the family office world. Additional attendees receive a 20% savings on tuition. Seating is limited so early registrations are encouraged.

Registration and additional information about the event is available at

About Family Office Exchange

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