D. Carnegie & Co purchases property portfolio in Katrineholm

The residential property company D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ) - listed on Nasdaq
Stockholm – has entered into an agreement to acquire a property portfolio in
Katrineholm. The sellers are Fastighets AB L E Lundberg and Byggnads AB Karlsson
& Wingesjö. The portfolio consists of 19 properties and comprises 717 apartments
with a total rental value of approximately SEK 60 million. The agreed underlying
property value is SEK 617.5 million. Following deductions for deferred taxes,
the corresponding figure is SEK 586.7 million. The transaction is being carried
out as a company deal with closing on May 2, 2016.
The 19 properties and have a total lettable area of approximately 60,000 m² and
are very centrally located. Significant investments have been made in the
portfolio and, other than investments related to apartment refurbishments which
will result in increased rental income, the portfolio is believed to require
only limited investments in the near future. D. Carnegie & Co is taking over the
existing property management organization consisting of five employees.

"We are purchasing very attractive apartments. The properties in Katrineholm are
in very good condition and it only takes 50 minutes by fast train to reach
downtown Stockholm", says Ulf Nilsson, CEO of D. Carnegie & Co.
For more information, please contact:
Ulf Nilsson, CEO, D. Carnegie & Co, tel +46 (0)8 – 121 317 25
About D. Carnegie & Co
D. Carnegie & Co is a real estate company focusing on residential properties in
the Stockholm region. The Company’s business concept is to own and manage its
real estate portfolio and to gradually refurbish apartments in connection with
the natural turnover of tenants. This can take place quickly and cost
-efficiently due to our Bosystem refurbishment method which, among other things,
does not require tenants to vacate the premises. The Company also creates
significant value through the development of building rights in the existing
portfolios. As of 31 December 2015, the market value of the company's properties
amounted to MSEK 13.826. As per 31 December 2015, the total rental value
amounted to MSEK 1.306 annually. The financial leasing rate is high with no
vacancies. D. Carnegie & Co is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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