California Coalition Opposes the Criminalization of Balloon Sales

Unions, Retailers, Florists, Grocers and Public Say “Save Our Balloons”

SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 11, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A coalition of California’s retailers, small businesses and organized labor are calling on the California legislature to “Save Our Balloons” in strong opposition to a bill (AB 2709) that would criminalize the sale of foil helium filled balloons.

The "Save Our Balloons" coalition includes a wide array of retailers, unions, grocers, florists, and business groups that have joined The Balloon Council in opposition to pending legislation that would make it a criminal offense in California to sell helium-filled foil balloons.

“Balloons lift us all up,” noted Dan Flynn, chairman of The Balloon Council. “Over 55 million balloons are purchased in California to cheer children and celebrate weddings, welcomes, fairs, concerts, birthdays, showers, and parties. To take away that joy because of the relatively small number of incidents is unfair, so we’re calling on balloon lovers across the state to voice their opposition to this legislation through petitions, calls to lawmakers, and social media.”

“Furthermore, balloons are sold by tens of thousands of retailers, many of which are minority or women owned, and account for about 22,000 jobs and hundreds of millions in California tax revenue,” added Flynn.

“We place a lot of weight on educating customers about the proper use and disposal of balloons after they have been enjoyed,” Flynn said.

In reference to AB 2709 Flynn said, “this legislation would do nothing but deal a blow to small businesses that sell balloons to thousands of families in California every day.”

Groups opposed to criminalizing the sale of helium-filled foil balloons include:

  • The Balloon Council
  • California Grocers Association
  • California Teamsters Public Affairs Council
  • California Florists
  • Pioneer Balloon Company
  • Anagram International
  • Betallic
  • Air Liquide
  • Party City
  • Qualatex Balloon Network
  • Party Club of America & Paper First Affiliate

About The Balloon Council
Formed in 1990, The Balloon Council (TBC) brings together retailers, distributors and manufacturers to help educate consumers and regulators concerning the proper enjoyment and handling of foil and latex balloons. For more information, go to

